Since the devs don't listen to any feedback on shamans, i'm unsubbing

I rolled a frost mage this season just to mess around with another class i never played before, sitting at 520 ~2750 io and can easily keep pushing but what’s the point? i really just wanna play enhance, even swapping to ele and getting almost 3.1k io isn’t doing it for me.
There’s supposed to be enhance buffs rolling out today and they never got applied. I’m gonna go ahead and just assume y’all in the shaman dev circle (or closet, since it seems you don’t get paid enough to fix the class) don’t care whether we feel good about the specs or not.

Every time i come to this forum section, it’s on fire. I don’t think i’ve been here one time and there isn’t some glaring issue with either ele, enhance, or resto. Most of the time it’s 2 out of the 3. All of the time it’s a question of where is our raid buff/extra defensive.

Think it’s time for me to hang it back up. Also a good time to stop playing since the annoying affixes are back too lol.



Hope you find something you enjoy the process of! You seem result orientated.

i’ve just been maining Enhance since bfa and we always get shafted in some way or another.

Tired of sitting in LFG waiting to get picked up for keys or having people leave the group when i host my own cause they see what spec i am. Also tired of not being able to reach my full potential on the class i enjoy the most.

But i do enjoy runescape, i’ll be back on that game. You know, the one that actively updates things all the time and has 0 paid expansions, and is ALWAYS adding new content, bug fixes, and updates.

Blizzard should take several notes from them.

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Not far behind you, healing in DF has just felt bad, and while blizz is making changes to improve it they’ve already made missteps that will probably leave it in a similar situation in TWW. Resto feels bland and boring at this point and the hero talents just don’t do much to make it look fun again, which is a shame because I’ve heard/seen nothing but good things about the story and dungeons.


Agreed if we dont see a rework ill quit shaman and play something else but this is not new for me i have quit at the start of every expac because of how bad shaman is .

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This is a dumb post. Everyone in the entire world is result oriented, its why ‘the process of’ exists to begin with. People get degrees to study cancer treatment in search of a cure, because the cure is the result.

They’re fed up with the lack of a process, resulting in no results because results were never part of the deal while they should have been.

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I feel like it was pretty clear to see what I was referring to and why. It’s a game enjoying ALL of your time on it is a reasonable thing to expect. Not everyone sense of fun comes from getting high scores. OP seems like one of those people and didn’t deny it. Forgive me for hoping he find something else he can have fun in. Who do I think I am.

Inhales lethal amounts of copium.
They are taking so long because they are giving us 2h Enh. Let em cook.

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You need some epinepherine for that amount of copium haha.

Inhales enough copium to reanimate after death
Totemic is actually really good, it’s just designed for the 2h Enhance rework.

Technically the devs do listen, and then they ignore it and rework mage again.

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When did i say i don’t like getting high scores…? You got some imaginary post you’re reading from?

Not only do i like getting high scores, i like not having to wait 25 minutes for a group as a PUG when i know i’m a good player. Currently on shaman that score is very limited by your personal ability to survive and do enough damage before the thing kills you, and how good your teammates are at picking up your slack. It’s trash.

I said the opposite of that. That’s what being results orientated means in this context.

Bro, who isn’t result oriented? Anyone who cares about class balance is “goal oriented”. If the class sucks, who’s gonna want to keep playing it? Who’s gonna wanna bring them into a key?
You’re saying nothing meaningful right now.

What would really move the needle is if one of these WoW content creators talked about the lack of soul in some of these specs or hero talents.

That’s really the only thing that would get Dev attention. But I don’t know which of them aren’t bought off.

Sigh Okay. One last time. But clearly I am not welcome here.

Do you play the game for fun? By that I mean do you do content you dont need just because you enjoy it? You talk about IO so lets use that. Do you do lower level keys with friends or if someone wants help just because? Most players wouldn’t. But I know people that do. Real hitters too. And everytime they are questioned like “Why are you even here?” And their response is because “It’s fun to blast low keys”. They dont get anything out of it for their character or score progression. Its the process of playing the class they enjoy. Same thing with regular BGs for PvPers. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “its the journey not the destination”. Play the game as you want, I didn’t expect to have to describe this to this extent. Nor to be talked down to for waving you off saying hope you find something you enjoy.

let me start by saying all shamans are welcome, dawg. but if you not makin sense, you not makin sense.

those same players do things for fun, yeah, but the primary reason people log on to WoW is for character progression. Some people want cosmetics and achievements, some people want Cutting Edge and M+ Hero title. There are some who find gain amusing. For some amusing=fun.

so what i’m saying is: you are losing the plot if you think end game, >97% percentile, has to “enjoy the process of” being in a field of efficiency, whilst being inefficient themselves.

And ultimatley

you don’t get to decide what’s fun for someone else.

I’m not at the point of unsubbing, but I’m certainly thinking it’s time for me to also stop playing Shaman. I just wanted to be a God of Thunder, and even the Stormbringer Hero Spec looks to fail in this regard. I mean, yeah… “beta is beta”… but we’ve been here before and I’ve zero confidence Shamans will get the changes they sorely need to make the class fun again.

I’m looking at either bringing my old Warrior out of retirement or rerolling to Priest or Warlock.

The POINT that apparently you have completely missed. Do you play the class because you enjoy pressing the buttons and the flow of it? Seems like a hard no. Me giving examples is not the same as thats the only way to have fun. You are way too jaded about this game to have a conversation about this with.

I can’t even with this. Good day sir.

Get the narcan!!! No no no I can’t get a pulse nooooooo……

rips head back with hands limp at my sides eyes welling up with tears


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