Since player housing is coming

Only took 20 years, I would like to suggest something else thats been around LONGER than that.

Armor Dye System.

Implement this as well Blizz. Once player housing is complete, please implement this option as well.

I would love to see it. Possibly I am not the only one with the same request.

Here’s hoping it will happen.


YES Armor Dye!!! :100:

I dont mind paying to own special color sets but just let us do it!!

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Right?! Blizz said they would never do player housing so now anything is on the table. Would love to have so many variations of dye colored transmog sets.

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Damn it!

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Those Garrison’s were great for a while. I suppose they are still sitting there with meaningless quests to never do.

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baby steps

GOD YES!!! Time to show our styles!

Really, Player Housing, Armor Dye & Customisation, and finally Dance Studio are the 3 things I wanted the most from WoW, nothing else come close.

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Im not gonna do it, i have no desire to have a house in wow, like what aim gonna do there sit in it ?


Do we know that this is coming?

Is player housing really coming or is this just all wish list stuff? If it is really coming, where was it announced?

The stream hinted at it, but the description of the YouTube video confirms it.


They can’t give us armor dye because then what would the rewards be for doing harder raids and PvP if they can’t just recolor the same armor set?


True-black in the cash-shop. kinda-black in-game. you know the move.

Player housing? Did I miss something?

They can’t do it because each armour piece has the texture applied directly to it. To get dyeable gear, the actual gear itself would need to be designed so the texture layer wasn’t directly applied to the item.

Basically they’d have to do what they did with the Mechagon mount and make it a separate thing entirely.


Only this consolidated post (altho I think the mods and CMs gave up) with 500+ replies.
And the numerous articles on the web like this one:


Thank you Vhx

Has there been a trailer or anything?

All they’ve given is that little teaser linked a few posts up.
The roadmap for 2025 shows an “expansion reveal” after 11.2 for Midnight, which is where we would get more details – assuming they don’t keep showing little bits of it from now til then.

Note: that’s expansion reveal, not expansion release. Probably looking at late 2025 or early 2026 for the Midnight expansion.

You didn’t watch the WoW Direct or check their official Twitter account, did you?

^ This right here has always been the problem with having a system to recolor armor/gear.

While some newer pieces have 3D elements to them, the gear in WoW has largely been single layer texture files applied over a very basic 3D model.

The various pieces of the Iceguard set are a prime example. It appears purple/blue with various bits of shading to give it depth, but that’s all just one single painted layer.

It isn’t just a matter of saying “change the purple to green and the blue to gold” for such a system to work. Every single color variation on that piece of armor would need to go from a single layer to multiple layers, and there would ultimately still likely be parts you can’t change the color on as it would mess with the sense of depth that the texture is designed with.

Now, that’s not to say it would be impossible, however for your consideration: this would need to be done to EVERY single piece of armor in the game…
…over what would be eleven expansions come Midnight…
…with compatibility ensured over the 25 existing races…

This would be beyond a massive undertaking. You’d have to recode and redesign literally every single piece of gear in the game for this, and if some of you think WoW has gotten fairly bloated in terms of install size in recent expansions, then you really don’t know what that’s going to do to it once they get done with that.

Obviously, never say never, but when something like this comes up, I really do think some of you honestly think it’s a simple task that wouldn’t take more than a couple of days to add in, then everything would work perfectly. Trust me, if it was really THAT easy, then this conversation wouldn’t pop up every 6-12 months.