Aren’t you that dude that had to watch a how to video on how to unsub from the game? Rofl.
That’s your opinion, not a lie or truth.
For me it is nice
It’s regarded by many in that franchise as one of or the best. And in gaming regardless of region, usually Final Fantasy as a whole IP is the biggest aside from Call of Duty.
I have two things to say here.
First, you made it very clear that you know nothing about the story in ff14. Therefore you are in no position to judge it.
Second, why are you so obsessed with a game, that you clearly didn’t even play? Like seriously, another thread about it? Jeez
It’s Sunday probably.
Can you elaborate on how the ARR ending with the WoL (who did EVERYTHING for their friends in the first place) leaving every single one of his friends behind to die (we had no possible way to know they would not die at that point) because of less than 10 “no ones” guards pursuing him (as the game shows) is a good plot to the story?
The problem with you guys is that you never bring up any justification or reasoning, you just ignore everything bad about the story and say “I like it nonetheless”… Sounds more like fanaticism than tastes, to me.
Strong statements, so sad that you can’t elaborate anything that justifies your claims. I can say that you never played FFXIV as well. Saying something does not make it true unless you have reasoning and argumentation to back up your claims.
I have made so far two points on why the story of FFXIV is actually bad, both in ARR and in Heavensward (so far). You are uncapable of disputing any of my arguments.
FF as a franchise doesn’t even come close to Mario, cod and pokemon. It’s Mario way at the top then cod and pokemon. everything else after that is half as big or less
That’s the one I was missing. Mario. Usually Nintendo products are the biggest but I’m talking about the story when it comes to Final Fantasy. They are all different. Nintendo has the most basic stories in media.
Then with this take I save my time because you’ll dislike it regardless. Not everything has to be acceptable under your position to be good.
I like it. You don’t like it, good. I will continue liking it. I don’t need to form a scientific paragraph of calculations to say why I like it, I just do. And that shouldn’t bother you nor be fanatism, it is a game, not politics or discussing the course of the survival of mankind.
The difference is:
I said “I don’t like it because it makes no sense that the WoL would leave all of his friends behind to die while running from less than 10 little guards, while the entire story is built on how their friends are everything to him”.
You said so far “I like it”. “I like it”. “I like it and I don’t need to elaborate why”. “I like it, it is good, just believe me with no questions”.
Dude, just stop. Several people already debunked your false jabbering about the story and you just start over with the same bulls***
If you don’t like ff14 for whatever reason, fine. Nobody is forcing you to play other games next to wow. It doesn’t need another thread about that topic.
I replied and refuted every single claim that the WoL was justified to leave his friends behind to die.
You just chose to not see my points because “fanatics don’t like reasoning”.
Also, it is good to point out how these people “defending FFXIV” and disregarding every single argument against the game are most of the time low level private accounts. Shills everywhere.
WoL didn’t leave them behind, they specifically stayed behind so the WoL could escape. They more or less refuse to have you stay and help because you were the one that had the evidence on what happened to the Sultana. Have you even played the game?
WoL literally let his friends behind, so they could fight the less than 10 guards that were pursuing him through the sewer, with no opposition ahead (the reason why WoL and Alphinaud manage to scape).
The same WoL that had the power to defeat the ULTIMATE WEAPON even without the blessing of the crystal, and also an Ascian in the very sequence. This fully rested WoL let his friends (that the game portrait as the very reason he did everything in the first place) to die (as we had no way to know they would not die at that point) to “defend him” of less than 10 guards (as the game shows) pursuing him.
Do you really believe it’s a good story being told there? LMAO.
They literally didn’t. Also, what 10 guards? During the quest you are running from practically every guard in the city lol.
The power that Ultima literally wiped out? Again, have you even played the game?
I mean it is but even if it wasn’t, it’s still infinitely better than anything in WoW lol.
What the heck are you on about?! lol This was kinda funny first thing in the morning here. Listen, do you think any other game is more talked about on this forum than WoW than Final Fantasy? That fact speaks for itself.
I play both and they are night and day, equally fun depending on my mood. To each his/her own.
And even so the WoL manages to defeat an Ascian after the ULTIMATE WEAPON. If you played Endwalker you should know what it means… But I guess you’re the one skipping the story you praise so much, huh?
So we’re to believe these few guards pursuing him in the sewer, with no opposition ahead, are a threat too big that the WoL would sacrifice all his friends (the very reason he did everything in the story)?
Delusional, to say the least.
And yes, the WoL had no way to know their friends would not be killed at that point. Literally.
It means nothing if YOU played Endwalker lol. Not only that, each Ascian was defeated with some sort of assistance, literally every single one.
Also, literally nothing you keep repeating ever happened lol.
So once again, I ask, have you even played the game?
lmao here, I love WoW, but honestly, the story telling is not nearly as good as FFxiv - of course that’s subjective - glad you don’t like it because a WoW player sticks out like a sore thumb over there.