Since hunters get to tame rare pets

Why not have an option for the demonology warlocks so their able to tame rare demons and such, with all the big bad demons roaming the world I’d think that’d be pretty awesome instead of stables give them say like fel cages to store those that they need to store.


I would really love a pet system for warlocks similar to hunters. Each of the current demons can have a family type, and demons in the world is associated to one of those families, so all you are really doing is changing out the skin for a demon.


You warlock are lucky, cuz each of your pets still have special skills for battle, where most of our hunter pets have been “neuterized” with no special skills outside of a few BM pets.


This should totally be a thing, along with more appearances for demons - I don’t care if these are glyphs, quests, tamable, whatever. Not enough variety outside of a few demo talents, and that is fleeting.

Actually, I’d like to enter the demon’s lairs and defeat them to earn the appearance/summon, a bit like a short version of the legion class quest intro.


Locks don’t get to choose their demon. They don’t even get to pick the names. You summon what you summon, and that’s all you can do.

There did used to be a spell to control demons for 10 minutes, but I think they removed that with some other fun.


I want a freaking Inquisitor demon

edit AND an incubus


You can still enslave demon, works just like the DK control undead spell, but for demons.

And, just like the DK spell, your own pet goes away, which sucks.

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I don’t want a system like hunters, because then we’d just be hunters…

Unique questlines to beat a demon into submission, show we are superior to them.
Much like those quests in raids to collect 4 items before you can skip to the end.
Beat him 10 times and he will submit.


idk man, I wouldnt call tying their only interrupt to a certain pet that one of the specs never even uses ‘lucky’


Personally, Blizzard should’ve made Pitlords a Warlock demon(replacing maybe the Voidwalker as a tank pet) from completing the green fire quest. That would have been amazing.

Hmm. Shall we go test this theory ? :stuck_out_tongue:


make 'em boink

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But you’re mine already. :wink:


No clue for Horde side, but for Alliance players you can, IN FACT, change at least your Imp’s name.

You don’t get to choose it of course, but for 50g in Northsire, where the old Lock trainer is, you can pay 50g and the trainer will change the name of your Imp. Idk if it works for the other pets locks can tame, however.

His name is Dane Winslow, Demon Trainer, and he’s near the outside wall of the building where you spawn as a new character, in the graveyard. :blush:


It works for all of the default demons, but sadly not for the glyphed ones.

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Couldn’t you just simply “unglyph”, change it, then replace the glyph afterward?? :disappointed:

That’d suck if not… :disappointed:


Really? I haven’t played one is so, so long. That’s a cool change then.

The unglyphed demons have different names entirely. For example my warlock’s voidwalker is named Hathkath, but his glyphed voidlord is named Kilthion. You can only change the base demon’s name.

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You know it!

You can still beat me though. Gotta keep up with the nerf dh quota.

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I’ve wondered why we don’t have this, since Wrath. Makes sense, really.

Would be hilarious if one of the random demons summoned by a demonology demon’s portal would be a demonhunter.