Since everyone seems to have forgotten, why SHARDING is on the table: by Ion Hazzikostas

I’m looking forward to finding a nice RP server with no sharding outside the start zone and a nice sized population. After that just leave me alone with the modern quality of life features. I want to get lost in what made things fun the first time I went through this over a decade ago. It won’t be the same but I don’t care at this point, it’ll be better then live by a mile to me.

Um… there are no modern QOL features in Classic.

Sharding from a queue time perspective might cause a conversation. I don’t really know. Don’t remember having to struggle with queue times enough to make it an issue.

From a starter zone perspective I don’t buy it, unless their projected population per server is extremely different than vanilla. I was on a day one server, and played on at least three more day one servers as they came out and never, ever had a problem getting out of the starter zone. Never even had to go do something else and come back when it settled down. Just did my thing and moved on.

And shared resources like world bosses or farming nodes…that’s part of what made vanilla feel old school. Needed more of that atmosphere imo, not less.

That’s because vanilla servers had queues which forced population control especially early on when everyone would have been in the starting zones.

Good thing sharding doesn’t connect realm populations.

That would be CRZ, and that has already been confirmed to be off the table.

Are you forgetting sbout sharding and loot trading?

I don’t consider either of those to be QOL features. Well, maybe loot trading counts, but it counts more for Blizzard than it does for the players.

And unfortunately both of them are necessary concessions we have to make if we want Classic at all.

That is your opinion.

That opinion is not shared by everyone.

Yeah, that much is abundantly clear. To the point people are throwing around personal attacks and insults over it.

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I would hardly call pointing out that some posters care only abou their own convenience and advocate sharding throughout the game IN PERPETUITY “personal attacks”.

It’s a personal attack when I’ve already pointed out it was a poor choice of words and you’re failing to grasp that “never turn it off” is NOT what I meant at all.

Not to mention you keep bringing it up.

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I have personal limits that, if exceeded, result in my departure. If sharding is still on after my first month’s sub has expired, or if it extends into the 25+ zones, I’m out.

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Well, if we’re lucky, it won’t even be needed.

That’s just what the “Classic community” does. It’s their M.O.

And yet they constantly claim that they’re “better than retail”. I guess they’re trying to make a joke.

At this point, I feel as though I have a better claim to the “Classic Community” badge than they do cos I’m not trying to attack people for advocating behind-the-scenes stuff that’ll help ensure the game doesn’t stumble at launch, which’ll attract all the wrong kinds of attention.

Eyes everywhere are on Classic and if there’s ANY hint of qeue times, or server instability, or inability to play the game due to the hypothetical massive influx of players clogging all the starting zones, you can be sure any gaming news site out there will be quick to slam Classic and give it a negative review claiming “This is why it was a bad idea from the start.”

Hell they’ll probably even do that about the inevitable player drop-off too, but at least with sharding there’s a chance the player drop-off will be the only time that actually happens.

that behind the scenes stuff has non behind the scenes problems to it.
like us running into less people.
like affecting world pvp.
like it being able to affect the scarcity of materials in the world.

except for those who wanted classic in the first place. i don’t view queues as a bad thing. what does queues mean? it means there is a lot of people trying to play the game.
sure, sharding lets everyone play the game, but it has LOTS OF DOWNSIDES TOO.
Those downsides, do not outweigh the good.



I was very, very concerned about sharding and the open-ended nature of Ion’s statement. However, after getting so many recent updates that show that the classic team really does care about giving us the best and most authentic vanilla experience, they’ve (mostly) earned my trust and I believe they will handle sharding in the most unintrusive way they can. It would be nice to get a more in-depth breakdown of how/when/wear they actually intend to use it though.

and is still more authentic to vanilla then sharding is.
and then there is the downsides of it affecting world pvp, community, player interactions, the economy, and resources.

I’m with you there. There are absolutely ZERO negatives to sharding the launch. The fear-mongers want people to think there is, but there really isn’t. Especially since sharding doesn’t affect zone chat, so you can still talk to people to group up for quests/dungeons/etc.

But don’t dare say sharding the launch is a good thing, you’ll be harassed and attacked mercilessly. Especially by shaman and warrior posters. They seem to be the most egregious offenders.