Since everyone seems to have forgotten, why SHARDING is on the table: by Ion Hazzikostas

We recognise that launching WoW Classic poses a couple of meaty challenges.
Unlike launching a traditional game that’s brand new, where you can assume that everyone that’s jumping in there on launch day has the intent to at least explore playing it long term, we expect that early on with Classic, there are going to be some people who are there die hard, dedicated, they’re racing to defeat Ragnaros and Onyxia.
There are going to be others who just want to check it out casually and they just want to see what all the fuss is about, they want to see what they missed.
And, our concern is, I think it’s exactly as you suggest, what’s that going to look like? What’s that going to do to realm communities, as some server populations may dwindle over time?
That is where we are looking at using sharding in a very limited way.
We understand, and I understand completely, that sharding is antithetical to a cohesive Classic community.
We are competing over limited resources. When Lord Kazzak is up, and guilds are racing to defeat him, there needs to be only one Lord Kazzak. You’re trying to get, you know, if you’re trying to lock down the thorium vein spawn in limited sections of the world, you should be competing over limited resources.
That said, when everybody is packed into Valley of Trials, when everybody is packed into Elwynn, we think we can use sharding there in a limited, time limited way, to solve the initial launch day load problems, while making sure in the long run, that as server communities solidify, there’s a healthy population as single worlds for everyone to live in.

So tell me, what is Ion’s main point here? What does he spend the entire time talking about? Server population. Server community. What does he spend one piece of a sentence mentioning? “Launch day load problems”.

Why does everyone focus on this single fraction of a sentence like it’s the entire reason for sharding being mentioned as a solution?

The entire reason for sharding as a solution is what we all want to protect: Server community!

A dead server = dwindling, almost non-existant community.

We need to maintain server populations. We can’t have temporary tourists artificially inflating numbers and potentially ruining server communities before they take off.

Sharding is a reasonable solution. We’ve been given far more than we thought we would thus far. To dig in our heels like children and say NO I DON’T WANNA is petty.

Trust the Classic devs. They’re obviously trying their hardest for us. This is a project of love. I have no doubts that they will do all they can to remove sharding as soon as possible and never implement it again.

Please guys, just let them have their smooth launch that also protects our servers in the long run.


I heard a lot of corporate speak. I talk similar nonsense every day. Everyone and anyone, no matter what the stance will be able to look at his statement and take what they want from it.


OP I hear you, and agree. But I think this is an area we don’t need to worry about. The Devs are going to use sharding to stabilize launch whether people protest it or not. And its for the very reason you stated:

They aren’t going through all this trouble to launch a bunch of servers with 2k caps, and then 6 months later have the boards filled with “Merge my dead realm please, not enough people to even form raid guilds” after the casuals/BFA tourists leave.

We can be confident about that. They aren’t going to let such an obvious thing cripple the project, so relax. Let people post their ultimatums about how they won’t play if sharding in the starting areas exist etc etc etc.

6 months in when populations are stable and the game is humming along, check the profiles of those claiming they weren’t going to play, they will be right there online. People on this board “quit classic” every day.


I know, you’re right. I’m just scared that all the threads that are started to complain about sharding will sway some of the devs toward that direction.

I hate sharding as much as the next person. I absolutely hate it. But what I hate more than sharding is the thought of Classic failing and one way to ensure that happens is to end up with dead realms. We have to prevent that, even if it means starte zone sharding for a few weeks.


I’m so ready to play this damn game


Define starter zones. Define “few weeks”.

I bet your definition is different than Johnny’s definition.

So far, Blizzard has refused to definitively define any geographical or time limits for sharding. Why not?

It couldn’t possibly be because they want us to buy into the “just the tip” lie and then “Oops.”, could it?


You could say the same thing about asking for Classic in the first place. Blizzard created these forums to receive feedback; feedback that they’ve actually been responding to. The community will continue to provide that feedback as they should.


What worries me most about sharding the launch is that 6 months later the devs say: “cases we hadn’t anticipated result in sharding to occur in some situations. We are looking to address this, but it turns out to be somewhat tricky.”

I am not predicting that though, just a worry.


Basically the only way I foresee sharding being a long term issue is if they only have one pve server and one pvp server. Which actually is a suspicion I wonder about.

Guys… if you played on an RP realm during BFA launch it’s literally the same thing…

Moonguard and WRA are not sharded like other realms. The tech doesn’t work on those servers due to “community”.

During launch they turned on sharding for a week or two. People complained. But after that time, sharding was taken off and all was good.

Roleplayers, the most passionate players in this game who have held server communities together for nearly 14 years, accepted sharding for launch and then realized it dropped off after launch was done.

This is the same solution.


It’s reasonable sure, in the short term. What if in the long term sharding does more harm then it does good and causes Classic to be DOA? What if because of sharding we end up in a situation where barely, if any, servers have enough people to raid with?

People who are pro-sharding seem to look at it like it’s this miracle population control cure, when it could be what kills any healthy populations before they take root.

That said I’m not completely against sharding the launch, but Blizzard is going to have to define a few things like what zones, and how long. Going into the launch with

is pretty dubious as we don’t know to what extent sharding will be in the game and how long.

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But maybe some would like to experience a chaotic launch.


And some people want the world to burn.

They don’t get catered to.


The majority of the concerned players are just private server people who have grown addicted to dynamic spawns and 10k+ servers.

Early sharding is a reasonable solution and in no way will harm the overall Classic experience.


Oh hey that’s me in the video :slight_smile:

I always thought it was interesting how Ion pivoted his answer to basically apologize for sharding in the demo. As if he felt bad it was in there at all. And don’t forget this post from Lore literally the same day.

Blizzard isn’t keen on sharding in classic either. But there are realities to expected population challenges that really do make it a feasible solution for the early days. It can’t and won’t be in higher level zones for exactly the reasons Ion expressed concerns around.

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This post I’m about to link shows exactly what we have here:

People like Fesz do not care if the game has a healthy player population. They’ll use that as an excuse to argue against all these things that “could kill Classic” but in reality, they don’t care.


hi. i’m on a rp realm and i have permanent sharding.

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Probably shouldn’t make claims that you can’t back up.

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I am sure they will have more than that. Not hundreds. Probably not even 50. Blizzard will do what they have done in the past and play it conservative in the beginning and add on as necessary.

It’s because development takes time and they will give us information when its ready!!! ARG!!!