I actually think it would significantly reduce wait times and benefit people of all keys levels. You already have to wait a month and 10 days for the push key you need to appear and everyone is fighting to get it. But lower keys people just want to do for gear and crest and vault and solo queue would remove a lot of restraints from doing it. They flocked to delves which has a similar system to what I’m describing, they use a system similar to what I’m describing in tgp, and even though it doesn’t net the best loot and there are wait times, people still run normal and heroic dungeons for fun. They queued up for that. People still run lfr for the mount, for flight stones, for whatever. For high keys the ratio of wanting players and number of keys they want is vastly different if the specific key you want to do is even posted up. Look for a high key range you won’t find a whole lot. If you post a key in the high range, you’ll get a lot of applicants. This disparity is obvious and solo qeue is my suggestion for how to open that up. I’ve even suggested it should have its own rating like how pvp formats have their own. Both the current version and solo q can coexist. I’m not saying get rid of lfg as it is right now (get rid of depletion though) but that a solo qeue could exist in parallel to it.
I wouldn’t touch random queue with a fifty foot pole.
Well that’s your choice and if it was in the game you can just choose not to queue up for it. I think many people even below +12 would still opt for the queue out of convenience and its relevance to the reason they’re doing m+ to begin with.
You would be wrong lol
How long do you wait for any other pve content queue to pop? I don’t expect it to be any different. In fact it might be better over the long term of the season, because more people move to m+ since it is one of the last vestiges of things to do that remains challenging with hypothetical infinite levels of difficulty to try. There’s not really anything like it besides maybe pvp and gold making that you can grind indefinitely and players move to it as they search for more things to do to get more out of their sub time.
The answer is to join a guild, community or use the friends list. Imagine crying about LFG while refusing to use the better options.
You’re not engaging in good faith. You’re assuming I’m not in a guild and dismissing that these problems exist. You’re jus here to be antagonistic rather than for us to discuss a solo q. You and a lot of people like you. I don’t think any of you have moved my opinion on this with insults and I don’t believe yet that I have stooped to your level. I’m trying to put forward a serious suggestion, why I think this is a good idea, and how I think it should work. This community and the toxicity in it is also another reason why lfg can be such a net negative for bringing in and retaining players in m+, or anything for that matter. Be nice to people, especially yourself.
Match players based on a mixture of ilevel, dungeon score, and an additional metric for social score
Ok I don’t agree with the key level cap, because I feel that there’s no need for it to be capped personally and would be interested to know why. But this second point I really, really, like this “additional metric for social score.” Other multiplayer games have had systems like this for years and years. It’s wonder why wow doesn’t have something like this. The report button is nice but even reporting some of the most obscene things from another player in personal attacks against another, I have not gotten the “we took action based on your report” mail piece from blizz. I’m not convinced they take it very seriously at the moment. This would be really neat.
No key depletion, but a 30 minute debuff for failed keys
Oh definitely. I also think “vote to kick” should be replaced with a vote to end the run consensually. Like it’s bricked, there’s no chance, it’s 100% over, and nobody wants to go on but nobody wants to leave? Initiate forfeit vote. I think i outlined this and details about how to make it work around dc’s and that i think it should be 4/5ths vote basically decreasing the number required to 4/5->3/4->2/3 based on whose connected. I think DC’d people should still get deserter debuff and it should not fall off while logged out. This would be unfortunate for people that genuinely dc’d but would go a long way to stop people from abusing the dc vote scaling by still slapping them with the deserter debuff.
People will just not sign up for your key. Or the only people who sign up are drastically under-qualified like a player whose highest key timed is a 12 when you are listing a 16.
Yea this is one of the issues for sure but I think there is overlap with a lot of other problems, like depletion, but that solo qeue can benefit more than just IO pushers. Think about why midcore players are doing 2-10. They probably don’t care about io unless it’s for the ksm mount and they just want to get it done and leave, probably. Or they just want to do an 8 for crest or a 10 for vault and portal. They’re not really wanting to deal with lfg they just want to go to the content and do it until they’ve reached that goal then quit for the season. Or they’re just doing it for fun, I’m in 2 guilds and i know lots of casuals that does keys under 10 just for fun. They just like doing big pulls and pressing buttons and they don’t care about optimization or score. They just want to get to the content and press buttons.
It won’t work.
We heard all the same things about Solo Shuffle and Battleground Blitz, we heard all the same things about 20 man mythic raiding. Like come on guys, give it a rest. Let’s try it and see how it goes and if it doesn’t work, then it is what it is and we still have lfg as it is. You would be able to do both and it has only benefits by adding another avenue to access mythic+ and expanding the accessibility.
Alright i already responded to a lot so gonna end there. I wish blizz let us make multiple responses so I didn’t have to type a giant wall that’s hard to proof read and undoubtedly full of typos.