Why would you care to stop people who do just because you don’t?
Some people would prefer a queue to the pre-made group finder. Let them do it and continue to do it your own way if you don’t want to queue for it.
Why would you care to stop people who do just because you don’t?
Some people would prefer a queue to the pre-made group finder. Let them do it and continue to do it your own way if you don’t want to queue for it.
In a sense, It was tried.
The devs learned a long time ago that anything with an auto-queue has to be balanced to be pants on head easy for the lowest common denominator, or the community will flip out and repeatedly demand nerfs.
I mean if people want to do that just queue your own key and accept the first 4 who apply.
The queues would take forever because a lot of people would opt to just run their own key and form their comp.
If the queue is filtered so it actually makes sure you have a brez and a lust in every single group, increased queue times.
If it’s filtered by IO ranges, longer queue as you can only queue up with people of your bracket.
If there’s no filters whatsoever, Jesus takes the wheel and most keys would end up bricked or incomplete as someone will bail, and you can’t add new people once a run starts.
Solo Queue M+ just wouldn’t work, regardless of how much you think it would.
Man, just imagine how stacked the cta bags would have to be to get healers and tanks to join random m+
I think my suggestion above with only doing 4 difficulties would work perfectly well.
You don’t need a min/maxed group to time a M+ at gear cap level and below. Especially after the season 2 changes I’d guess.
All you need is a reasonable ilvl requirement for each difficulty and maybe some requirement to have run the difficulty prior or a reasonable rating.
As much as people want to parrot “run your own key,” some people don’t want to organize a manually formed group or try to join them who are capable of doing the content and would do just fine in a queued M+. M+ participation is low. This would make it higher.
Some would probably just do it as it is, but I think it would be nice to add the possibility of dungeon mounts and pets back to them and maybe add a random rare chance at a trade post item you don’t have. Could throw in chances for larger gold amounts.
Solo Shuffle is barely even arena lmao. It is a horrible mode, but a direction they may take M+ at some point in the future.
Have you tried WME? I have a lot of friends who prog through that Discord without issue. They are strict, though, when it comes to rules and treating people with respect.
Why would any tank or healer ever join the queue?
Queued failable content does not work. Players have an expectation that if the game built their group then its the game’s fault if they fail, and if the game can cause them to fail then it “Does not respect their time”.
And seconding the above point. Why would any tank or healer ever engage with this system?
They have queueable “mythic plus” dungeons in classic already.
It wouldn’t hurt anything.
No thanks. Not unless it can be viewed by people for the laughs.
Solo que wrecked pvp.
It would be 3 hour queues with people demanding changes to not only the queue system but to make m+ easier.
What is the average % fail rate of one of those dungeons on classic?
Like how often do the 5 people the game put together give up because they cannot complete the objective due to their own shortcomings?
Which means it might not work for them, as ones that complain about such things might just be the kind of trash no one wants to deal with in their groups so they have to resort to queued content to get groups.
Actually it would.
Probably shouldn’t comment on content you dont do
Because they like to tank or heal but don’t want to use the premade group finder.
Probably for satchels also especially if they buff them.
People queued for Cata heroics before they nerfed them. People queue for PvP content. People queue in many video games for content that they aren’t guaranteed to succeed at.
What are next weeks lotto numbers?…
Nothing would stop anyone from making their own group. This would be optional
And people cried until they were nerfed into the ground. You legit just made his argument lol.
And it hurt the community.
What games are people quing for end game content?
Blizzard nerfed them because people didn’t want to queue for them.
PvP is an entirely different game mode. There is always a winner in PvP.
Besides FF’s hard dungeons, which are still nothing compared to the M+ system, what popular multiplayer PvE game has challenging queueable group content?
Ah. So you can make predictions.
Others cant.
How rational of you.