Since Blizz keeps caving to the Alliance

The last few years haven’t been good for the Horde at all.

I haven’t enjoyed it.

everyone misses that. Then they recycled most of it for the nightborne then axed that by the end of the expansion as well. No cool factor allowed I guess.

Well if they’d give us dark rangers or san’layn we could have edgy Horde elves again ;…;

High elves were still part of the alliance in wc3, but a racist human middle manager pushed kaelthas to rebel and escape with lady vashj to join illidan… thus came the blood elves…

BFA my horde levelled and geared to stay somewhat current.

I picked the orc mostly. And…we go back to working for the undead couple. Didn’t even give an option to “fail” quests to hinder them. even fallout 4 gave options like that.

Gee, son, not sure how the BOS showed up to the railroad hiding spot. How ever did they know…cough.

You get the option to tell the BOS this is going down you see. They show up anyway…but you can make it all RP and tell them first too.

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Blood Elf players salty as hell :skull:

What do Belves have to be happy about though?

I support cross faction grouping and the customizations. But Belves did get short-changed by the customizations. Especially male Belves.

If Blizzard wasn’t prepared to return the same energy to BEs that they gave to VEs at the expense of BE visual uniqueness they should have definitely not gone that road, at the very least BEs would be able to still retain visual uniqueness on their own main themes so the lackluster pass would be felt but not like it is now.

VEs at the end of the day still retain their own original visual uniqueness which is more than BE players can say about BEs whilst benefitting from two passes that gave them options that infringed on BE visual uniqueness.

So yes that is a point of contention imo but a valid one for anyone who takes that stance.

People like me running alliance blood elves got them spun up.

Lor’thamar goes she will always be our ranger general.

and I have a blood elf looking void elf who went for being that stupid…lor’thamar ain’t my boss any more lol. Dude backed a massive necromancy using banshee…and was shocked to find out this did not end well. HOw could that have NOT ended badly?

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I just want them to make up for it by giving us looks that are unique. And not ignoring how little they left for male Belves especially.

There are things the community has been requesting for years that they could use for reference.

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The horde shouldn’t have gotten to begin with, and balancing out the factions is a good thing. The faction divide needs destroyed.

Skin or Hair color doesn’t infringe on a uniqueness. Especially when NPCs existed for both sides for ages. The visual distinctions are the Eye colors, that is the whole point of their strife. Blood Elf = Green, High Elf = Blue.

But now both sets of Elf have Blue and the Purple Arcane eyes. The 1 Purple Velf Eye, and the Green/Yellow Eyes are the Visual disctions.

It absolutely takes away uniqueness. But they could solve that with some unique looks Belves have had in artwork and other areas that aren’t represented in game.

And if we want to get into the real lore, neither side should have had Helves. Helves would have stayed out of everything if not forced to ally for survival. They weren’t really Alliance or Horde before Horde got them. But now have been with the Horde for a lot longer than they ever allied with the Alliance.

Explain to me how they are “caving” to the Alliance when the Horde has had TWO expansions about them?


It wasn’t really ‘about’ the Horde, more like destroying the Horde. Vilifying us to further the Alliance story, through the broken writing that is now a part of the Warcraft Lore.

It’s been terrible to be Horde these past few years. I honestly just want the Factions gone now.

It absolutely does, Void Elves are now able to capture both the BE visual fantasy and their own with their original void theme.

Just because you do not care about the loss of visual uniqueness for BEs doesn’t mean it didn’t happen or that other BE players who take issue with it or point it out don’t have valid points.

To be fair. Once 10.0 hits we will probably have cross faction guilds so it doesn’t matter. What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours. We will all be one happy family.

Which makes non void additions to VEs even more superfluous and pointless, to defeat the purpose of their own AR, infringe on BE visual uniqueness, just to bring down factions.

Tell me you’re bum-hurt … without telling me you are…

Honestly, what else do you expect Blizz-Soft to do? Alliance is a dying faction - they gave the dying faction one of the most popular races in the game and they are implementing the long-asked-for cross-faction gameplay.
Do you have better ideas?
The ones you gave are just as weak as the Velfs Ally got.


Bitter hordie is bitter. News at 11.


Blood elves also should get tattoos, scars, more braided hair styles, jewelry options on the same level as both draenei typse, etc.

Also let my trolls pick their base hair color and the color of the streaks.