Since Blizz keeps caving to the Alliance

Speaking of people who haven’t paid the price.

John Staats, yes. The author of the Warcraft Diary.

Beats me. You’d probably have to ask Blizzard for the data, assuming it was archived.

There’s nothing there that really refutes the idea that they hadn’t initially been planned to go Horde though. All it says is, “they’re going Horde, and here is why.”

The, ‘Silvermoon Remnant,’ faction is referenced in the 1.6.0 → 1.6.1 patches, which were July 2005 to August 2005.

Strikes me as pretty strange Blizzard was going to add a reputation for High Elves to the Alliance called, ‘Silvermoon Remnants,’ and then changed course, only for Blizzcon to hit a few months later (assuming it was in November) and we learn that Blood Elves are going Horde.

If Quel’thalas as a zone was being worked on at the time, and this faction was about the survivors of it, and it was going Alliance… well, there’s nothing concrete.

I’ll take this tout-de-freakin-suite. The other stuff wouldn’t be bad either, I suppose.

You have someone who claims there was a poll, or might have been a poll, or recalls a poll, but no poll to show, where as people who claim BEs were always intended for the Horde can show actual interview quotes a full year prior to BC.


Like I said, ask Blizzard. John Staats was doing an AMA, not a power point presentation on the subject. It does line up with the, ‘Silvermoon Remnant,’ reputation the Alliance was getting, then getting pulled in time for Blizzcon to reveal Blood Elves going Horde. That’s only speculation, of course.

What I haven’t seen is anyone from Blizzard refuting that there was a poll. Haven’t seen Ion come out and say, “I looked into it and there was never a poll, I don’t know what John Staats was talking about.”

And now he’s just some guy on reddit with a claim, one where he doesn’t bother to provide proof for, and when I asked you for proof of the poll you also claim exists you instead link me to some guy on reddit who claims it happened. The point I am making is you do not in fact have a poll to provide / show, correct?

It doesn’t seem to be an interesting or important claim to anyone outside of Helfers who are upset BEs went Horde, why would they comment on it?

I’ve provided a source that claims this poll existed. I never said I have the poll itself. So, once again, if you want the data from this poll (or a statement that it never existed), ask Blizzard.

Looked him up, you are right and that does make me feel a whole lot better about his presence.

:cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: for you!

So people who claim BEs were intended Horde have actual quotes and sources pre dating BC by over a year.

But some poll that one guy may recall that he doesn’t provide proof for invalidates all of that?

All the while anyone interested in seeing the actual poll you or others bring up is told that they don’t have it but it exists because some guy on Reddit claims it does?

In the end I don’t think it changes anything and serves as just another small trivial thing to cling to in an attempt to invalidate BEs story going Horde which was worked on as early as Blizzcon 2005 and I assume before so considering they were ready to talk about it by that point.

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Which also interestingly line up with certain in-game developments such as the planned addition of a, ‘Silvermoon Remnant,’ faction to the Alliance, and then its a removal a month later.

Not necessarily. I looked through what you quoted. Not once did I see, “Since TFT Blood Elves were planned to go Horde.” Seems to me like this poll, or gathered feedback, or whatever it was, changed what had been in motion already. Quel’Thalas was one of the earliest zones being worked on for BC, so WHY would an Alliance faction called, ‘Silvermoon Remnants,’ be planned, and then scrapped in a month, so close to Blizzcon?

Like I said, ask Blizzard. All I have is a statement by a developer who worked on the game at the time, and some circumstantial data about what was planned to be added to the Alliance at roughly the same time Quel’Thalas the zone was being worked on.

None of this changes anything.

It Metzen came out on an interview tomorrow and said, “Yeah, I wanted Blood Elves to go Alliance in Burning Crusade, but feedback from our Asian players by marketing forced us to make them Horde instead,” would it change anything?

Of course not. Blood Elves are Horde, have been Horde for over a decade, and will continue being Horde until WoW shuts down.

Nothing changes.


You literally playing and post on a alliance blood elf.

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I really don’t take the asian playerbase decided blood elves would go horde because It was decided very early on that the Horde was going to get a pretty race and the alliance would get a “ugly race” in TBC and blood elves were decided on very, very, very early. It took a much longer time for the Alliance race to be designed and dreanei were not the first choice.

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dam this blew up a little

The alliance should get an actual Cow race.

I thought Blood elves where going to be an Alliance race but the developers decided to put them on the Horde side because they were afraid of of an imbalance issue.

Instead of Blood elves the Alliance got a goat race.

Now here we are today with a few more races that include a paraplegic Gnome race and a lite-brite goat race.

You’re right OP the Alliance get all the good stuff.

The alliance would like to offer you a gift. You can pick any of the BFA Alliance horses the we got during the expansion. You’ve got a million to pick from so you’ve got quite the variety.


The only good non-human is a dead non-human.

We want the walrus people in WC3 and WotlK

Red eyes please.
I want to be a goth elf. Ain’t theft if the Blood Elves don’t even have it.

Actually…the void elves get the skin tones to make a better dark ranger really. BLood elf’s lightest skin is still a touch “lively” looking. TO my eyes anyway.

Get the NH mythic set that is a pita (guldan has the helm) and boom…dark ranger with red eye effect.


The irony is by the end of the same expansion they were introduced Blizzard solved their addiction problems via having Velen reignite the Sunwell…turning them back into generic fantasy elves. I miss the darker, edgier elves they started out TBC as :frowning: