Since Blizz keeps caving to the Alliance

He also gets two big budget FMVs dedicated to him.

Yes. Which were bizarrely out of place considering it had almost nothing to do with what we were playing in-game for 99% of the expansion.

So it would be like Jaina & Tyrande in Shadowlands?

EDIT: Oh and Shandris.

Jaina has been mouthing off about destroying the Horde in Shadowlands? This is news to me. We haven’t even seen Tyrande enough to hear her go off about wanting to destroy the Horde. The writers have her hyperfixated on Sylvanas, and that’s about to go the forgiveness route anyways.

I’d have happily abandoned that quest line just to no longer have to hear him shout about WOUNZ.

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Pandarens ruined the faction divide.

Releasing void elves was a mistake.

they under the sea now, the survivors are the ones who fought against them and 2/3rd of em are in the horde now

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Why care so much about race/class combos? If you’re really attached to a race, play their classes. If you’re really attached to a class, play its races. You really deal breaker hung up on both a race and a class that don’t mix in the lore? It is totally arbitrary.

The other day someone linked an article from an interview with Chris Metzen who claimed that they were always designing high/blood elves to divert from their fantasy stereotypical role and that they were always intended to join the Horde.

Honestly anyone who looks at the events of WC3 and claims that “they are still Alliance” has zero ability to comprehend foreshadowing. WC3 cemented them staying out of the Alliance after having left it, officially, after the events of WC2.

The people who wanted Alliance High Elves didn’t want to play a Warcraft game, they wanted to play a Tolkien game.


I mean… Blizzard literally named it, “The Alliance Campaign,” in the expansion so… yeah.

That was one of the interviews for Burning Crusade. I’m not sure if he said they were always intended to join the Horde though. That’s particularly strange considering they were going to add a High Elf reputation to the Alliance in Vanilla called, ‘Silvermoon Remnants.’ Then there’s the whole, ‘Asian Poll,’ business that seems to have played a significant factor.


since the same people keep calling blood elves fel-addicted evil elves and ignoring everything that has happened to the race since TBC I think they just ignore the story in favor of their own personal canon at this point.


Can you provide this poll or it’s just a claim

It’s from the John Staats AMA.

There were a lot of things that were planned for vanilla at one point or the other that, for various reasons, didn’t get implemented. Likely because at the time Vanilla released they had people in the process of building Silvermoon for TBC for the Horde. Wouldn’t really make sense for there to be a ‘Remnants’ faction for a city and peoples that still exist.

blood elves were decided for the horde very early on. it was the Alliance race that changed a few times during TBC’s development but Blood elves were always intended to be the Horde race.

So some guy on reddit claims there was a poll where is the poll

Both of the below articles were from 2005 blizzcon which was over a year before BC released, BEs were going Horde, there was no “they weren’t supposed to be Horde!”

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With that out of the way, Dabiri was finally ready to get to the good stuff – and there’s a whole lot of it coming our way. He first introduced the new playable race coming in The Burning Crusade – Blood Elves. These Night Elf cousins were once members of the Alliance, but when their homeland and source of magical power were destroyed by Arthas, they were left powerless and desperate for a magical “fix.” Now they’ve allied themselves with the Horde in order to discover new sources of magical energy and hunt down the demons who destroyed their homes.

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Metzen went on to explain the backstory of the Blood Elves, which we covered in this profile piece. Afterwards, the floor was opened up for questions from the audience.

Naturally one of the first questions was about the new un-announced Alliance race to be featured in the expansion. Metzen gave no hints, and implied that they’re still working out all the details. But he did acknowledge that once everyone hears about the new race, part of it will make sense, and part of it will make everyone go “huh?” …We can’t even speculate. (But it won’t be Pandas.)

One gamer asked why the Trolls would ally with the Blood Elves – or any type of elf, for that matter. “I want that guy escorted out!” Metzen bellowed to laughter from the audience. But then he explained that the Horde is “an alliance of convenience.” The Blood Elves hate dealing with the Trolls or the Orcs, but need their help to reach the Outland. And, while he didn’t give details, Metzen explained that the Blood Elves have something the Horde desperately needs that helps to hold the fragile truce together. We expect more to be revealed in the game itself.

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I think my dark ranger mog is pretty good:p

There were even friendly blood elf NPCs in a couple of horde towns as quest givers in vanilla. So the idea was clearly there.