Since Blizz keeps caving to the Alliance

You act like that is our doing. News flash, the devs don’t give a damn more about what we want then they do for what you want. They did it because they finally understood the mess years of them not giving a damn about keeping the racial abilities in line finally did to the game.


Except it’s not ruined.

Since we’re spoutin’ off at the mouth some of the most bat st craziest BS that’s ever been uttered on these forums (the devs caved to Alliance? Really?), let’s keep adding to it and spout off even more crazy st.

For example, Cross Faction play is actually the Horde playerbase’s fault.

They knew the faction divide was bad and the imbalance unsustainable, yet instead of doing the RIGHT thing and going alliance, they did the SELFISH thing and went Horde or stayed Horde, thus making it to where Blizz had to step in and remove the barrier to cross faction play.

And ultimately correcting a game destroying problem that the Horde playerbase is solely responsible for.

Horde always blaming Alliance, pretending like their s**t doesn’t stink.


I agree ^

Alliance deserves as much help and cool things as possible to get people to play on that side.


Yes, we Allies are too favoured by Blizz. That’s the reason everybody and their family and friends switched to Horde.
Gimme a break.
And mind you, my personal stance is that both the two terribly written factions should be obliterated. There is far too much hate already in the world, to monger more of it for the craziest and stupidest of reasons, TWO LOUSY FACTIONS IN A COMPUTER GAME.


no. just no.

i’ll give you the dark-ranger customizations would be a good’un, and i’d be A-okay with belves getting that, but druids and shamans? no thank you.

blood elves are’nt humble enough to commune with the elements (goblins trick’em into making deals/help’em with their drill-totems), and as for using druidic magic… don’t think that’ll happen what with the endless-autumn silvermoon’s still being forced to be in.

I just want more void/old god customization for my VOID Elf. But nope, Blood Elf lookalikes it is.

“People should play a character model they don’t like to fix the self-created problem a company made by having factions in the beginning.”

Sorry but I just don’t get this logic. The right thing to do is creating cross-faction play. Not give blue team a more desirable play experience. :roll_eyes:


so why did they go with night elves for the alliance instead then :thinking:

To be fair Meryl Felstorm (if that’s who I think you’re talking about) isn’t plague of undeath created/Forsaken, he’s a special flavor/case of undead (long before we got light undead zombie Calia). He was basically turned undead via arcane magic/his own willpower to survive.

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Blood elves are high elves. Void elves are high elves. They are both high elves and are on both factions


When we’re walking hand in hand with Anduin to ‘save the horde’ from themselves (yet once again)… It is a horde story.

Because Blizzard, for some reason I can’t really understand, decided to write the night elves out of a story that should be by all rights focused on them in favor of focusing on Saurfang’s hurt feelings it does feel horde focused.

Except the entire focus of the expansion was helping Magni.

Weird how people always forget that.

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Horde Players being forced to help Alliance leaders save the entire planet: “Ugh, I hate these Alliance focused stories.”

Alliance Players being forced to help Horde leaders save the Horde: “Ugh, I hate being dragged into these Horde stories.”

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It’s almost like the Horde… is the antagonist faction. Invading and blowing up things is kinda your MO.


Yeah but that doesn’t really change that the night elves were pushed aside in favor of Saurfang’s feelings while Tyrande gets Darkshore, jobs to Nathanos, and vanishes from the narrative until SL’s pre-patch.

Oh come on. We’ve never seen anything like the round-the-clock, month-after-month unbridled RAGE from the Alliance during Cataclysm.

Saurfang’s barely in the expansion, though. We only see him 3 times, and that’s including his 5-second cameo at the start.

Imagine if in mid BFA we had a quest where Magni gets shattered and we have to put him together one chunk of diamond at a time, and one of those chunks just constantly mouths off about the Horde and how much he wants to destroy the Horde. And then at the end of the quest you’re supposed to ignore Magni trying to save the planet to instead see him happily reunited with Moira and getting to fawn over his grandchild.