Well, Blood Elves didn’t even exist at the end of the Second War.
Quel’Thalas pulled out of the Alliance after the Second War ended. High Elves, however, remained a part of it, a number refusing to return to Quel’Thalas as per Anasterian’s orders.
The High Elves living in Dalaran also remained a part of the Alliance, as Dalaran was still a part of the Alliance as well.
True about the blood elves not being a part of the alliance but I think people get the gist .
The part about Dalaran I do know and in the old Helf threads I would use that as part of my argument that a small faction mainly in Dalaran stayed with the alliance but the majority in Quel’thalas didn’t
As for wowwikki I was just using that as an example could of said either site.
It has more to do with people wanting High Elves specifically but blizzard twisted it (twice) and gave us fel addicted elves and tentacle smurfs. I’d say the faction part of this is irrelevant but High Elves are part of the Alliance.
Absolutely true. Quel’Thalas left the Alliance. The kingdom was no longer a part of it. That doesn’t mean the race left the Alliance though.
WoWPedia has always been more up-to-date and correct.
Anyways, I think the person you were originally responding to (they made an assertion that Blood Elves were supposed to go Alliance) may have been confused by the old vanilla patch notes about adding an Alliance reputation called, ‘Silvermoon Remnant.’
As you can see by reading the article, it was actually about High Elves, not Blood Elves.
And then Blizzard decided to slowly reverse course and gave people the high elven look anyway. Look, the whole void elf concept was a bad idea. Heck, your telling me my void elf mage is going to set off the Sunwell but a shadow priest blood elf(who literally bathes themselves in shadow magic) is not?
The idea itself is… problematic, but proper implementation and development would’ve mitigated that.
Don’t get me wrong. There is no lore that will ever justify a handful of elves mastering an eldritch power that has successfully and without fail corrupted every Dragon, God, and Titan is has ever touched. That said, an interesting story still could have been written, well-written characters developed, and a necessary touch of gray brought to the Alliance’s morality. Which isn’t to say the Alliance hasn’t been made a little gray by the Void Elves; they do unarguably evil things. The problem is they justify it and go the extra length to explain their precautions, as well as the good intentions behind them. It’s evil done right for a playable race, and it’s annoying Blizzard never gave the Horde’s more evil races the same treatment.
Void Elves have not mastered an eldritch power. They just found a way to dance at the edge of the abyss. They are more like Demon Hunters ( I want to say DK as well), where if not careful would be consumed. Game play wise it would not be fun to play a character where you would have to do with a corruption meter all the time.
All this said Void Elves should not have been a thing. If Blizzard was going to cave this much they should have just given the Alliance High Elves and given Blood Elves additional customization to offset it.
That’s the problem: We all were. When Saurfang is hand-in-hand with Anduin and a bunch of Alliance characters, how is that a Horde story? Instead of an Alliance story?
When you mix the red paint with the blue paint, it’s not red paint anymore.
(Also, just FYI, that’s one of only 3 tiny appearances by Saurfang for Horde players, in BfA. He might have been in the cinematics, but he sure as heck wasn’t in the game.)
It’s also why they had to retcon the Draenei from what they were in WC3 and make them an offshoot of the Eredar, because they weren’t initially planned on being a player race. Metzen explicitly states that changes had to be made because worldbuilding is more than just storytelling, IE they had to make changes to the story for gameplay reasons.
The inverse is true, why would it be an Alliance story when it is Anduin and a bunch of Alliance character working hand in hand with Saurfang and Horde characters?
It still a Horde story as well considering it about what the Horde should be.
Neither is it blue paint either.
Which is about the same number of apperance in game of Anduin.