Sin rogue 9.1 - change summary

I’ve been gone/vanished for a few months now - do you guys know where I can find a compiled list of assassination-rogue changes coming in 9.1?

(Legendaries, covenants, class-ability changes, essentially everything)

I could review the patch notes, but that’s a lot of work :slight_smile:, my friend

We’re looking very good. Maybe a little too good… but let’s not talk about it. :shushing_face:


Join the ravenholdt discord. It’s led by the top rogues in the world and has channels for each spec.

Basically everyone is running Doomblade and Necrolord.

If you haven’t made it yet wait until 9.1 and craft it on cloak.

Fml. Why??? I crafted it on gloves because the pvp item had poorer stats and a major piece like that has a higher stat budget. Is it because of these domination sockets?

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Domination sockets.

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Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t domination sockets/gems earned through doing the new raid? As a PvPer how does this affect me?

dude…what is up with that awesome transmog ???

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Ahhh my long lost twin, I knew the day would come when our paths cross.


You’ll want to get at least the heroic version.

lol it by heroic you mean Heroic SoD, not happening. I’m a PvPer and have no intention of raiding in 9.1, if the new core system of this patch is trying to force me to raid then it’s already a write off in my books.


Are you new to the game?

Why would you make that assumption?

They forced us to grind PvE content to gear up for PvP in BFA, including forcing the corruption system onto us and I hated that expansion for it.

Legion had no PvP vendors and same thing, forced to grind PvE.

Shadowlands was promising for PvPers purely based on the fact that we had a system in place that segregated the PvE grind from gearing up for PvP, we have a seperate system for gearing up that doesn’t force or pressure us to participate in the raiding scene and up until now that’s been the only thing keeping players like me from getting burnt out.

Now I’m just learning that Blizzard, despite receiving nothing but positive feedback about the current system for PvP, has decided to implement yet another system no one asked for and we are once again being pressured to go raiding in order to be on an even power level.

I mean for Christ sake…


Because the game has always had the best items in the raid.

For PvE that’s perfectly fine, not for PvP. It’s not hard to keep the two seperate, other MMO’s have succeeded in doing this there’s no reason Blizzard can’t do the same.


Considering raiding is the focal point and players shouldn’t be punished for playing more of the game


You are correct. Back in the day PVP gear would blow PVE gear out of the water in pvp only. This game used to have the exact thing you are talking about.


Uhh what? Every expansion has had broken pve gear that was better than pvp gear.

I do feel like a repeat of BFA is a mistake.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Snozy in 9.1 are Raiders being forced to participate in PvP in order to have access to the best gear?..…they aren’t?!

Okay then I rest my case.

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