This is a plea for simple Transmogs.
Not huge massive plate chests and swords with spikes coming out of every orifice engulfed in flames or whatever else you may have. Just clean, SL textured mogs.
Take the recruit a friends explores set, there should be more like it. And not locked behind paying (or having friends.) I do have it but also I don’t like how it’s locked to it as it is such an amazing MOG
Everyone I’ve seen with that cool looking Indiana Jones transmog told me they got it by getting an alt account >.<
Simple tmog armor pieces do come from TBC/Wrath era, pre-raid loot mostly. BFA had simple sets, very faction based imho.
The only drawback of older pieces is their textures are outdated and not as sharp as newer pieces.
I prefer my goofy anime armor with shoulder pads the size of mount everest.
I understand your plea though, and I’d be cool with it as long as I still get my unrealistic nonsense.
That’s the issue for me. Doesn’t feel like it fits in the current game
We need more Transmogs if only for the dancers in Goldshire on Moonguard to be able to make more gold.
Agree 100%
I would love to see more basic adventure transmogs like we saw from the Exile’s Reach intro
Exile’s Reach intro
I am a huge fan of the new sword and shield they made, like they are just so clean looking
You already have the option of using a simple transmog. What are you asking for here?
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The pixels on those types of mogs are from 8 bit Mario
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Off topic but i love your mog Arwenna, you look so evil i won’t even be surprised if you drink virgin’s blood and kick puppies every single day.
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I just want smaller shoulders. My Venthyr ones are a big as my Velf and stab him in the eyes every time he runs.
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Indeed. Sometimes, less is more.
Its locked because that’s the reward of having friends that are becoming new players join you
Obligatory Plug.
I want the Updated model for the First Mate Hat.
Why?? D:
Because I don’t like carrying two houses on my shoulders. Or having said houses hide my head and then stab me in the eyes as I run.
And because they didn’t have to turn back pieces into shrinky dinks and shields into frisbees if they had fixed the base problem: the shoulders.
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How will I be able to sit on your shoulders then?
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It’s criminal that they only added like half of the tints for half of the models to the game, and then made the available tints faction locked for some reason.
And we still don’t have a way to transmog the very good and simple Pandaren starting gear.
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There are so many simple mogs for like 20g. Have you even looked in the auction house?