Simple Solution to make everybody Happy with boosts

Offer servers that will have 0 Micro transactions, boom done.


Reading the forums, it seems everyone is happy with boosts. I mean if it aint broke, dont fix it right?


The forums are loaded with arguments and people who have a problem with it are often outright attacked for disagreeing with the Boosts, regardless of how they present their points.


Na, someone will complain about not being able to transfer off when the faction goes wonky.

Someone will always find something to complain about!

The argument for fresh servers is appealing because it helps reset the broken economy. And that’s about all it does.

I would have really hoped they would put a gold cap on the transfer to TBC, something like 10k per character. That way the economy won’t instantly be screwed with millions of gold per server being thrown around.

Rampant multi boxing and botting has scarred the economy to the point where fresh is the only solution. Everything else is a band aid.


Bots. 1 58 boosted bot can generate a lot of gold very quickly. Now imagine when they rush in to buy a few dozen of them and they’re all farming instantly.

Boosting is a much bigger problem than people give it credit for because they don’t think about how it can be exploited.

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Unless blizzard fixes the bot situation fresh servers will just a bandaid solution as well.

Maybe a seasonal server would work.

And the same can be said about those that do not support it. Do not try to act like the wounded victim here. Both sides are just as guilty of bashing and brow-beating those that disagree with their side of the discussion.

So heres the real question regarding this; if its a $40 boost for example plus sub fees; are they really going to be spending $65 for a single bot setup? How much gold would they need to sell to cut even? 3K gold?

So would botters be might more likely to start from 1 with a $15 investment and level over a weeks period? That way they would only need to make 600g before they break even?

Don’t even bother assuming they’ll actually take hardline action against bots. It’s a huge part of their income and metrics. That’s why they only ban bots in huge waves. They’re just casually doing it and only do the bans when they want to see an injection of purchases for the game or to impress shareholders/players/press.

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It’s not that expensive. There are plenty of ways to get the boosted character at a discount. There’s plenty of promotional stuff and little things to reduce the purchase cost significantly.

They also don’t even need to use their real money. They could buy tokens with gold and use those. Use fraudulent credit cards or run side gift card scams.

Gotta remember botters aren’t just farming wow gold, it’s a business and they have other revenue sources.

And getting 3k gold on a 58 bot isn’t that difficult. Getting 3k gold on a fresh level 1. That’s a lot more difficult. They’re going to use the boosts as much as they can.

But nothing has addressed the real problem, that bots even exist. Boosting or no Boosting they are still around and will continue to be around. The number of bots they run will not change with or without boosts either.

What needs to be addressed is how they bot without detection, that needs to be fixed. Some poeple like to throw boosts under the bus as some magically bot increasing wonder system. The truth is, if TBC had no boosts, the servers would still have the same number of bots running around. The only difference, every few months we notice a drop for a few days, while the botters make new accounts and run their leveling scripts to get them back up.

Again, Blizzard will never take a hardline with bots because it generates a lot of money for them.

The boosts are not a huge benefit to players overall but it is an enormous benefit to botters. And it will make Blizzard a lot of money.

I suggest the boost being a time based exclusive option for launch and then disabling it. That way players get their boosts, Blizzard gets their money, and hopefully the purchased boosted bots will slowly get banned and the affect of them limited and then reduced back to “normal”.

Blizzard won’t just auto ban boosted bots either because I’d they did it would send a message to botters that it isn’t profitable to do anymore and so they won’t repurchase which means Blizzard loses money. They have to wait for the booster bots to make some money first.

That’s why they do bans in waves. Gives the chance for botters to profit and then Blizzard can profit again from botters restocking their accounts. Also notice how ban waves are always around turbulent times or quarterly meetings? Yeah they also like to save that for PR too.

If Blizzard wanted to stop bots they would.

It’s sad that Classic has just become this game that is being changed and designed around bots and not players.

Good points. I have often suspected that the reason bots exist is because Blizzard wants them to exist. It boosts subscriber counts. But there has never been any hard evidenace to back that up so it remains a sepculation that has some sound reasoning behind it.

Who knows, maybe one day when WoW is so old, no one gives a crap about buying gold, Blizzard will finally take a stand on this issue.

I haven’t heard a decent argument against one time blizzard provided boosts.

  1. Blizzard believes, outside of new races, TBC begins at 58. (They have said this).

  2. The notion that boosts will make botting worse are unfounded and have no basis in reality.

3). Player based boosts already exist now.

Nah, I want to continue playing my Classic character without having the game ruined by P2W microtransactions. This isn’t a solution.


We have a very well-liked thread here where we are asking for fresh TBC Classic servers with no cash shop conveniences on them: A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers - #1658 by Melphina-bloodsail-buccaneers

I personally see this as a win/win for Blizzard to help with the arguments between the pro and anti boost people. The min/max crowd and Retail tourists can keep the original servers with all the cash shop conveniences while Blizzard creates a few new fresh servers in each region with no cash shop conveniences for the RPG crowd. I know it would incur an added cost for Blizzard, but I do think the long term subscriptions they would keep from the RPG crowd would offset them.

There are quite a few likes on the above post and a number of posts like this asking for this request. Hopefully, they will be convincing. :smiley:


I looked up my servers average prices and I’m seeing 2k gold 110$

The boost isn’t a micro-transaction. It’s a sales gimmick. It’s a PROVEN sales gimmick. Every expansion, it adds hundreds of thousands of NEW players to the game.

That’s a lot more important to the business than making some group of existing players happy. Especially since those players have ZERO experience in marketing and sales in the MMO industry.

Now if Blizzard can tweak the rules to deal with some negative side-effect of the boost, that’s fine.