Simple Solution to make everybody Happy with boosts

This person gets it. It all about the money, always has been. Since day one when the original WoW team decide to make an easily accessible, less punishing MMORPG with a subscription. Then hired ultra recognizable actors to advertise it to the mainstream. Which is what WoW players have always been, mainstream gamers playing a CoD level MMO.

those players have sure helped WoW get back to record subscriber numbers! oh wait, they just quit after a month…

Loool everyone is happy with boosts DURRRRRRRR. How you not know dat?

All servers currently have zero microtransactions, problem solved, good bye.

I mean I am, great idea to me. I just wish Blizzard just let me buy a 70 instead to skip the entirety of boring leveling :smiley:

That’s what I’m saying:… screw all this leveling junk just let me get to where I can kill some noobs.

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