Simple request

We all know you are having fun with season of trolls… I mean season of Discovery. The concern is that the data from OG classic is getting mixed up with your nonsense. Can you please give SOD its only game download on or move hardcore to its own?


I think season of discovery has it’s own forum

The only thing I discovered there was how much I dislike retail features. :cupcake:

Can you give examples of how the data model is getting “messed up?”

This sort of thing happened with Season of Mastery (the initial season) as well.
We did get an explanation via Twitter of how there are variables that are created for the seasonal servers, for example, that are supposed to be “hidden” for Era (and now for HC as well) but sometimes mistakes are made and those changes bleed over.

These are just a few off the top of my head and courtesy of threads I’m watching.
I realize that the bg thing isn’t really germane to HC but it is an example of things misfiring.


Thanks for your time and effort in keeping track of these issues Asma. :+1:t4:

Getting those things fixed still interests me.

Not sure for how much longer though.

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