Silvermoon Reborn, Neutral Hub?

Let’s make Stormwind neutral too :crazy_face:

While Silvermoon could potentially be a neutral city-state for all the Elves:

-VoidElves can’t get close to the Sunwell without corrupting (see Alleria)
-NightElves… no comment.

No thank you! Have you seen how garish Silvermoon is? How twisted and frozen Eversong Woods is? It’s just depressing, the less reason to go back there the better.

I was sad the entire time I was acquiring my Sin’dorei heritage armour, those zones literally freak me out with how completely artificial and unnatural they are.


Well they wouldn’t be that close to it in Silvermoon. The Sunwell is on Quel’Danas. There wasn’t really a reaction until you were standing right next to it.

I dont know about making it neutral, but it certainly needs to be modernised, as does every original capital city in the game.

Not a neutral city, but modernised and as long as the music remain the same.

I love this city!

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What if it had Portals to every zone conceivable by men and some conceivable only by blue whales?

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Portal room extended? Doubt it, they seem to be focused heavily on the portal room.

We don’t like strangers.

Better have ghouls roaming around than having alliance scum.


How can they be on better speaking terms with themselves, this makes no sense.

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High Elves are a separate faction (multiple actually) that are not affiliated with the Blood Elves. For example, the Farstriders are predominantly Blood Elf/High Elf (albeit having other races to have joined) but are not in step with the people of Silvermoon. Similar other factions as well. They are not affiliated with Alliance either. So speaking terms may be cordial but not always fully in agreement.

Also…the Void Elf is a bad thing near the Sunwell story is highly suspect. Especially with the first guy who practiced Void Magic and used Void Magic to save the Sunwell from Arthas…Me thinks people don’t remember this.

Doesn’t make a lot of sense, honestly.

My thoughts exactly.

I’d like to see Silvermoon more “reclaimed” and the area around Exodar expanded more.

I’d also like to see them become more useful, but that’s another discussion…

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how about this instead…

if the horde starts another war, we get one big zone to fight in a pvp area.

As long as my secret den of debauchery filled with leper gnomes and succubi doesn’t get touched I don’t care what they do with Silvermoon.

There are plenty of reasons why someone would revisit Silvermoon.

One would be wanting to visit Magistrix Nizara to pick up a Silvermoon City Tabard.

It makes about as much sense as the Blood Elves suddenly letting the Horde use their city back in TBC, despite how the Horde had always treated them: no sense at all.

You ask me, our Blood elf cousins just need to embrace the Void already. We’re proof you don’t need to be a gibbering lunatic plus we look infinitely better. I mean, look at this beard and mustache. Simply glorious.

I don’t think the Blood Elves would too happy to let people allied with Void time bombs running about in their city.