That’s precisely the point I’m making though, from now to then.
Quel’Thalas has been Horde territory for the pass 18 years — Since it was introduced into World of Warcraft. Notably, it’s also been part of the homeland of a major standing Horde race of that time too.
Just because it’s in an expansion taking ahead in the future and the content is situated AROUND that kingdom - That doesn’t instantly justify it to become Alliance territory forevermore too …
But… Why would it become Alliance territory? Why would the Horde and Alliance working together suddenly mean it’s actually… Alliance territory? Instead of… Neutral?
I’m afraid I don’t get how you come to that conclusion.
To reiterate in the same context but with more desirable wording, in correlation to my former statement —
Just because it’s in an expansion taking ahead in the future and the content is situated AROUND that kingdom - That doesn’t instantly justify it to become shared with the Alliance utterly and become neutral territory forevermore too*
Ok, yes, that is much clearer. I missed your intent the first time!!
Sharing it during an expansion doesn’t mean it’s forever more neutral ground. Look at Suramar! Canonically, that’s Hordetown now, but we were sharing that all through Legion. Highmountain as well.
All this really implies is that post-Midnight, all elves will be welcome to come visit Silvermoon and the Sunwell, which… Really only changes for night elves and void elves. High elves are already allowed to make the pilgrimage, and the other elves are Horde.
Other than gameplay purposes in most likely a seperate instanced version of Quel’thelas (I really doubt we’ll have an entire expansion set in a TBC-era trio of zones), very little will canonically change.
Even the status of void elves seems like a weird limbo, after the hunt for the harbinger questline it seems like Umbric is basically at a point where he runs Telogrus as a magic academy with tacit support from the magisterium.
Moonguard survivors explicitly included Silvermoon among the places they wanted to see once the war with the legion was over and the islands lorebook had a mention of it being reorganized as a joint org so that ship has sailed long ago.
Yeah and Fenris Isle according to that Series was held by the Worgen lmao, they ignore what they want, nothing is set in stone. It was already full of meaningless junk like “oh yeah we fixed the academy for new students” even though it’s in the middle of Azsuna, completely out of the way of the world and 10,000 years behind on magic.
A bunch of moonguard survivors who randomly existed when the order was supposed to be dead and it’s members converted to druids is whatever, they can go off and do what they want. The Night Elves being forced into this any further than “you all do your own thing, we’re the protectors of Kalimdor so we’re busy” is as lame as forced reunification within the span of a single xpac is for the other elves.
To clarify, the concern isn’t that it will be another Bel’ameth. The concern is that Silvermoon and its leadership are going to be affected in some way that results in all Thalassian elves sharing in residency and leadership—that the story and gameplay will set up Silvermoon as a truly factionless city. The more extreme ends of the concerns are something like Rommath and/or Halduron dying so that a Windrunner and/or Umbric can take their place.
I get that some people don’t care about the factions now, but this game was billed as a two faction game and a lot of people bought into it for that very reason. I think we’re still too far away from Midnight for us to take for granted what will or won’t happen, but Horde development for the past 5 years has done little to instill much faith.
The thing is the rocky reunification has been an ongoing plot thread since Wrath - pilgrimages being reopened and so on is a thing that kicks off in Wrath immediately after BC.
If it gets the Suramar treatment in the lore, honestly I’d actually be fine with that.
Heck, I’d actually be fine with the Amirdrassil treatment honestly — Where after the expansion’s done / city & kingdom saved, etc etc – The Alliance players can walk amongst Quel’Thalas and Silvermoon, but get a debuff that they’re being monitored and are still not entirely trusted; along with limited access to the city’s utilities (Portals).
That’s kind of different though, because it’s still ‘Horde territory’ — but the Blood Elves simply allow them as temporary guests to pilgrimage to the Sunwell, out of kindness … But naturally, they are not permitted to stay as long as they like.
In a sense, the Blood Elves humbled the Silver Covenant by allowing them to do such.
They could’ve flipped them off and told them to get bent after all the treatment they got, but didn’t.
That being said though …
After Mists of Pandaria, the Sunwell being a sanctuary for pilgrimage may have changed due to the Purge of Dalaran
Given Alleria wasn’t a part of that carnage, let alone even in Azeroth at the time – She was allowed to still visit despite not identifying as a ‘Blood Elf’ … Until er … ‘The void incident’ that is lol
So at this point in time:
The void elves & Alleria obviously are obviously exiled from Quel’Thalas due to their presence changing the energies that perpetuate the kingdom from the Sunwell — Including the fount itself.
However, there’s also a chance as per events that have unfolded, that the invitation to allow ALL elves (regardless of affiliation) to visit the Sunwell has been rescinded.
Personally I’m hoping they DON’T brush the purge under the rug or try and justify it in the story for the Alliance / make it a “No biggy” for the Blood Elves – Because I will straight up feel like tossing my computer out the window.
I think the understood implication there is that they lay down their Alliance allegiance at the gates. Which is basically how Bel’ameth works now for Horde visitors. That’s fine, but as I said, is not the concern.
There is absolutely no indication that it did (Legion’s recruitment quests outright state the opposite) - if anyone was targeted for banishment post Purges at all it was probably specific leaders of the Covenant and not Dalaran high elves as a group.
The void elves & Alleria obviously are obviously exiled from Quel’Thalas due to their presence changing the energies that perpetuate the kingdom from the Sunwell — Including the fount itself.
Telogrus post Harbinger questline implies the relationships are already being mended with visiting magisters being there openly rather than as though they were secretly in a void cult.
Although, the Dalaran Guards (naturally including some of the Dalaran High Elves) were involved in the purge too.
And whether there’s reflected indication or not – it would be rather stupid NOT have any schism or fallout to them after the purge — For example, if Garrosh bombed Theramore and then later with Thalen Songweaver was allowed freely into Stormwind @ some sort of Theramore embassy location to enjoy the splendors there, it’d be extremely distasteful on behalf of their leadership to allow such.
Relationships may be better between various groups — However they’re still exiled due to the threat they pose based upon the presence that perpetuates their very beings.
There’s currently been no indication to suggest the void elves exile has been rescinded.
Didnt Alleria just casually go to Silvermoon? If anything that is proof that as long as they are not in the immediately vicinity of the Sunwell the Void elves are no threat to it.
Even back in the recruitment scenario, Lor’themar was significantly less at odds with her than Rommath, who wanted her out immediately - for all their political disagreements he’s basically still one of those who followed her in the first half of the second war.
That short story is weird in itself but I suspect it’s far more the void than personal stuff especially given Turalyon gets none of the treatment.
In Cata they kinda had an idea for growing tensions mirroring the return of the mages in kaldorei society in reverse, with mages chafing at not being in charge anymore in Quel’thalas (this was supposed to be the premise for Rommath’s villain batting and is still sort of visible with Halduron not caring about Dalaran drama), and I could easily see the Alleria issue being a thing that is used to exacerbate internal tensions.
I have a feeling Mordent and his Highborne will rep the night elves in Midnight and just sort of comfortably observe the Thalassian disaster. Well, unless Azshara is its villain, in which case they might use a bigger name night elf as her opponent.
Am I smelling a Shandris coming out party?? To lead the nigh elves against their former queen??? My second favorite night elf hunter, doing hunter things to lead the night elves into the Elf Unity Party???
… No, more likely we just get Tyrande and Malfurion back from retirement.