I think the setup for Shandris in DF was sufficiently deliberate for her to have a big role (she is, like most of the rest of the elf cast on both sides, conspicuously absent from anything big, which makes me think she’s being kept in reserve)
So it’s like a portion of the Maw in the material world? That’s pretty gnarly–I do like having some areas that something so awful happened that it’s forever cursed–the Path of Glory, Karazhan, that kind of thing. Still hoping it gets revisited at some point
They did use Shandris in BfA’s miniature elf alliance against Azshara, alongside the queen’s other “wayward subjects”: Thalyssra, Theron… Jaina Proudmoore…
Unsure if you’re talking about the:
- Pre-BFA visit, which had ‘The Void Incident’
- or the ‘Whisper of Warning’ short-story visit
Because neither were something that could be described as “Casually” in an inconsequential sense to events that unfolded.
Pre-BFA visit: ‘The void-incident’
Because Alleria’s to Silvermoon prior to the events of BFA had VALIDATED the exile they imposed – By having Alleria’s very presence literally endanger the Sunwell with void energies, until they were able to fend off the void and restore the Sunwell.
- Additionally it wasn’t necessarily “Void Elves” they exiled, but ANY who treat with the void … Keep in mind, they were exiled PRIOR to them even becoming void elves.
Alleria was exiled along with them later too, because unlike the elves they had already exiled — Her presence in itself was a straight-up threat to the Sunwell, verified by the incident that unfolded.
Ultimately, after the exiled Blood Elves … ‘Transformation’ into Void Elves — their exile would’ve been nothing more than solidified under the ordeal of what Alleria’s situation was.
The short-story ‘A Whisper of Warning’
The earlier void incident in the past caused Lor’themar Theron to instruct guards to watch her while she’s in the city - rather than simply the fact that she is a member of the Alliance while Silvermoon is Horde … So no, she didn’t necessarily “Casually” visit Silvermoon.
The caution Quel’Thalas holds of the void and those situated with it — still remains.