The Horde capital Silvermoon will still exist, you will need to talk to a bronze dragon NPC to switch to TBC’s Quel’Thalas.
Once blizz redoes the code for quel’thalas that won’t be possible most likely
Blizzard said that it will be possible because there are quests that will only be available in the TBC version (Blood Elf Racial Armor, Blood Knight Armor…).
If your reasoning for making it an Alliance city as much as a Horde one under the banner of ‘Neutrility’ with the Silver Covenant and Alliance elves standing in equal-leadership over the city — Then by all intents & purposes, Stormwind should unite the humans and give the Horde equal leadership with a Forsaken leader who holds equal reign as the rest
With or without the Silver Covenant…
The Midnight expansion will be in Quel’Thalas for the horde and alliance, the elves will unite to defend Quel’Thalas because the void will attack Quel’Thalas, so the neutral capital of the Midnight expansion will certainly be in Quel’Thalas.
But I think there will be the Silver Covenant because there might be the return of Vereesa.
I do think they are saving her for Midnight to avoid her taking away the spotlight they meant for Alleria this expac. We know she is away… somewhere? My bet is on Windrunner Spire, but who knows really.
Whatever they do with her, we can be sure they will likely gut all her animosity to Silvermoon leadership and lean into the ‘peacemaker of the windrunners’ trope when Both Alleria and Sylvanas show up at some point.
Their survivors are also drying each other’s tears over the crippling losses they sustained in TWW. I don’t think either of them will have much to offer in Midnight. And even if the worst Windrunner does, she apparently bailed on her faction years ago.
Yeah, Sylvanas might also be there to reunite the Windrunner Sisters.
We don’t know what exactly Vereesa has been doing since she moved away from Dalaran but she is still the leader of the Silver Covenant, otherwise his replacement would be present at TWW.
It is sort of Hilarious, in a way. No silver covenant even off handedly mentions that she is not around. In the original Danuser production I half way wonder if she was just… forgotten about. They did not even have Alleria notice in the Beta until enough people asked about it to prompt them to put a little dialog option in with her to say “Oh she… was away. How lucky! But I am too busy being mad about Khadgar to think of her.”
…that seems to happen a lot. Vereesa’s only claim to fame is being awful in a very forced manner and then mostly forgotten.
She moved away from the city her faction existed to protect, was absent for its fall, and didn’t even show up to commemorate the SC’s losses. I think it’s fair to question whether or not she still leads the group, or even affiliates herself with the Kirin Tor anymore.
Indeed. I can’t say I mourn Vereesa’s absence from the plot, but Alleria really wasn’t the Windrunner sister through whom to tell the story of Dalaran’s fall. It really does seem like they forgot she existed.
Maybe Blizzard is reserving Vereesa for Midnight, that’s the only explanation for now.
I feel like Blizzard has gone some steps towards addressing that. Arator lives there, and Turalyon apparently pops over now and then. Even Alleria can get a day pass.
I’m curious though… Would you prefer a neutral Silvermoon, or if Silvermoon was destroyed, turned to ruins, made into the first raid of the expansion?
It’d suck, but if the options were, “Neutral Silvermoon or Ruins of Silvermoon Raid,” which would feel better from a narrative perspective? Acknowledging that NEITHER feels good to begin with, one would naturally be worse than the other.
I could imagine Blizzard trying to recapture some of the Legion charm. Refugees finding sanctuary somewhere and slowly building up a new base (maybe over the ruins of Deatholme). Battle their way to the ruins of the city. Maybe forge an alliance with the Amani to pass through their lands and circumvent the enemy armies.
It would be cool if Silvermoon was the first raid of Midnight.
Lor’Themar and Thalyssra would have become the new puppets of Xal’atath and they would be the final bosses.
We kill them or we free them, it’s a complicated choice.
Speaking for myself, I’d rather they didn’t. I’d be satisfied with some generic, tentacle-faced Old God minion-generals or the likes.
Those two are among the few Horde leaders that have never really had bad characterization, to my understanding at least - although it is funny how Thalyssra proclaimed that the Nightborne would not be conquerors before accidentally stumbling into Sylvanas starting the war -.
If Lor’themar and Thalyssra turn evil I think that might finish off any remnant of me caring about the story.
By the same token, I don’t want to see them killed off or made into raid bosses.
Honestly? I think if this is the path they are going they should rip the band-aid off and make all faction cities neutral at one time. Say that negotiations have progressed enough for lasting peace to allow for limited visitation based on need, and because of the PC’s constant contributions to protecting the world they are among the first to get the required passport to get around.
neutral faction cities is not the answer.
there wasn’t some burning horde desire to be in new darnassus.
there is a burning alliance desire for the stolen horde race turned void elves to steal the blood elf capital.
it’s so imbalanced. alliance get what it wants, horde bleeds to make that happen. be it races, cities, or racial leaders.
More or less, yeah. If they intend to make them all neutral eventually, just do it all at once.
That said, Stormwind would end up so unbelievably crowded…