Silvermoon needs to be shared between both factions

Bumping old threads is Necro-Spamming!

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The city can be shared … the Sunwell portion can be off limits to alliance . The rest can be a new sanctuary city.

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Briselody, like all Night Elves, is still crying over the ashes of their tree. Their over emotional state is causing them to say irrational things.

HE’s left the Alliance in WC3 and became a neutral faction once more. There is literally NO HE is actually part of the Alliance no matter how hard the HEFA crowd tries to twist/break lore with their Head Canon.

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There are HE NPC’s among alliance forces every single expansion… including BFA

No that is ridiculous, they renounced claim to Quel’thalas by siding with the Alliance over their people. They have Telogorus Rift, and even if they pooled the entirety of what ever Raggedy Anne High Elves on Alliance together that are left they still would be the small minority according to Blizzards statements on who is the majority.

We also can assume High Elves are coming back to Quel’thalas returning to the fold, under the Sin’dorei banner with these new options, so again people can RP just fine on the rightful faction Silvermoon is already a part of.

That necro though.

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The Alliance are welcome in the Sunwell Plateau, part of the Blood Elf Heritage quest shows that High Elves are welcome there and they’re trying to mend fences.
Not void elves though, they’re traitors and corrupt the sunwell just by proximity.

Narratively it doesn’t make sense for the Alliance to have access to all of Silvermoon on the basis of void elves. The void elves were explicitly banished from Silvermoon for their void experimentation which does make sense.

Secondly, for the high elves (most of which are at least partly aligned with the Alliance), there does appear to be some limited access to the Sunwell on Quel’danas in the form of a portal to and from Dalaran. There is no in-game indication of whether this same access is extended to Silvermoon itself although some secondary canon sources would seem to indicate that there may in fact be some ability for high elves to visit. However this would not be an open invitation for any member of the Alliance to come strolling through.

Finally, what benefit would Alliance derive from having access to Silvermoon? It’s not a terrible beneficial hub for Alliance being that it is located at the far end of two no-fly zones and is the most remote capital city in-game. And in order to keep things fair the Horde would need to be given access to a secondary Alliance capital city, likely the Exodar given that it is the direct Alliance counterpart of Silvermoon.

I just think that it’s not super important to have Alliance access to Silvermoon.

VE ranks include BOTH BE and HE. Have you played their intro quests ? The small minority argument don’t hold for VE as BE are actively becoming VE.

Actually it does because the intro quests of the original Void Elves are still a small crack squad as per Blizzard.

And the customizations encompass HEs for both sides so any returning to Quel’thalas under the rightful banner that flies over it currently would account for the small crack squad that left.

How do you account for BE becoming VE then?

The minority argument does not hold once Blizz introduced VE .

The members of the small crack squad?

Bump… Devs make it happen !!

No. Let them keep it.

Now the Sunwell …

Wiiiiiiide open for attack. :slight_smile:

We cannot RP as HE without Silvermoon … our ancestral home . Getting access to Silvermoon is the next step now that we almost have HE

Nice bait. No.


Where there is a will there is a way , see we now have HE.

Fishies, don’t do it…
It’s a trap!

Never kept me out before, Bloodthistle? It’s freshly stolen! I know y’all like stolen stuff!

looks up From doing swan strokes in the sun well wut??? Hold your fire I’m bathing in this thing!!!