Sen! Good to see you! Typhon from Order of Chaos here <3
Hey Ryoh! <3
/pat Love ya Ral!
I used to play a troll rogue named Tuki. I was only a kid and did not have a lot of playtime, but I used to admire and look up to Cortico (troll warrior) and Victoria (undead rogue). I believe they were both in Stormfist. I had the honor of playing with both of them in BGs. Good times.
Hello my dear Silver Handers, undead rogue Rakishi here. I can’t for the life of me remember what guilds I was in but I do know SH was the best of times.
Vaneya! It has been a long time. Yeah, when Grim and Trinalax basically retired and everyone went their separate ways I transferred to Zul’jin and continued playing until WoD.
Remember me? Kareya, Fury warrior.
BENTEN! Bandito! My Friend! it is Kairen/Kareya here!
It’s awesome!
Visperia here undead shadow priest, one of many who would beg to be dps and not heal. Also remember BG , me mind controlling some pally off a roof or bridge, and then throw a robot chicken and laugh. Good times to be had still on Bloodsail where I will retire. Cant remember what guild I was in but it was a great guild who would go to MC because we had enough on and some of us were drinking, turns into a naked MC raid, using fraps to video us running around Rag to the tune of Benny Hill. any sound fam? if you see Visperia running around that’s me, still going to beg to DPS during raids.
You didn’t mention your alliance main? Paladins had bubbles. Missed those bubbles.
I used to be a member of Rotten Luck too. I remember you Sen.
I still salute every Ironsong Tribe member that I run across in-game because of you. None of them probably have a clue as to why this rando is doing that, but I’ve been doing that for years.
Typhon! Oh man it’s been forever.
I actually was digging through my old WoW screenshots and I found this one of you and me standing next to Ragnaros before a pull haha:
I remember back in the day being one of the only Hunters who really mained as a Melee Hunter. Good times receiving those challenges to duels.
Trin, Eurron, and I are all on the Discord that Kendei put together… you should come in and say hi Trin’s on MG with me and Zattara/Eurron (we’re alliance there), and Zatt and I have horde on WrA. The three of us are all still on SH Horde too.
(edits three times cause she needs coffee)
Hordeside I was Tayj, Nihile, and the original SH Kron before he went to someone more competent to play as. Rotten Luck was my first guild, and there are a lot of memories there for me. After Rotten Luck I transitioned mostly to Alliance where I was Nathanhial, Taea, and Voar.
I no longer play, but I was prodded in the direction of this thread and it warms my heart. Sen, Drahkar, and Slith: it’s been a long time
Hello all,
Oheowyn - Tauren Druid from the Sisters of Sylvanas
Just leaving a quick message here in case any other Sisters are out there - Nephelle, Jayne, Bari, Nesera and myself are all ready to rock in a couple of weeks, so come join us on Bloodsail Buccaneers!!
In the meantime, feel free to send me a message on #Anoewyn11424 to get back in touch, we’d love to hear from you
What ups guys. Its me Tenguh, if you remember me.
Darkspear Voodoo is still alive as long as I am, I guess.
I saw Benten up there!
Wow, you’re still alive, you crazy Rogue!?
Hello Guys
Been along time
Chatoo checking in