In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Silver Hand (US) in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
EDIT: The Silver Hand reunion discord has nearly 200 people in it now. Please join us at
Looking for old school pvpers! I mostly played Alliance, but eventually rolled horde, not long before server transfers. Hoping to find some old players interested in playing some nostalgia groups. (Did some raiding both sides also, but what I really miss is the pvp community. Friends and rivals both).
Gishnash, Troll Mage 2005 - No Guild, Unguilded, Sanctuary of the Errant
Elorael, NElf Druid 2006 - Southern Alliance, Thunder Down Under - Tempest Raid Lead
I was a Blood Elf Rogue named Kyodaija with the guild The Brooze Bros. This Paladin I’m posting on was also a member. I was previously a Human Warlock named Shadowtox when we met in PvP.
Rotten Luck takes me back! You guys had the coolest name/tabard combo.
I was Ryoh, an Orc Warrior from the guild Stormfist. For a blast of nostalgia, check out the video of our horde first Onyxia kill on YouTube! I’m surprised it’s still up.
Where’s my boy Nobunaga?
I rolled a forsaken warrior Fallenknight, I mostly pvpd. I remember Rotten Luck, Stormfist, and Wartorn. I also remember Silence or Eternal Reign on alliance. But everyone who was horde knew Nobunaga, him and his sick looking typhoon sword. I remember Jedion on alliance, that dwarf warrior nuked everyone. His pvp video is still on youtube I believe, thats a nostalga trip.
Mamadee of Rotten Luck here. I started playing WOW when my daughter went off to college the fall after release. My kids had played since BETA. My son taught me to be a hunter when my previous gaming experience only included running into walls in Mario Brothers. I surprised my daughter by applying to her guild, Rotten Luck. Luckily, I was accepted after my grunt phase. I still play everyday , even today, although it could be described as “putzing” more than playing. My playing time is more limited and the guild is more quiet but WOW and Rotten Luck are an integral parts of my life and always will be as long as Blizzard supports WOW.
My earliest memories of Silver Hand was raiding ZG with our raiding partner, Iron Song Tribe. To this day I transmog all of my hunter weapons used by Mamadee to Mandokir’s Sting. Iron Song Tribe will always have a special place in my heart for their many kindnesses to Rotten Luck and it’s members.
I remember Onyxia raids where my daughter, Mabri, would beat on Onyxia with her Cookie’s Rolling Pin in the low dps phase. Years later I gave her a replica of the rolling pin as a stocking stuffer gift at Christmas.
I remember raiding Serpentshrine Caverans and during a Hydross encounter the whole raid went down except one Undead rogue, Alive, from another raid partnership guild. We all cheered him on in vent as he took Hydross down with 1% health left. The last man alive was Alive!
I remember at the memorial service for a Horde player who passed, how the Alliance marched with us from Ogrimmar to the Shrine northwest of Crossroads where we held vigil. The whole server was so respectful and made me proud.
But most of all I remember the Rotten Luck family. So many great players and real people. The history of our guild, the honor we upheld in our Shamrock. Our guild made the hard choice to move over to The Scryers during the days of 2 hour log ons and free guild transfers. Many of us are still friends with Silver Hand players. Many Rottens, a guild that was registered the day WOW was released, have become life long friends outside of the game. Our world then was very special and continues to be because of those friendships.
Oh and Boris says Hello. He’s still my only ever hunter pet.
Yeh man Nobunaga and his love for swords! That lad was a champion. Ryjin, I remember Stormfist, one of the best guilds to get into at the time. There was also the guild, Winds of Fire (Alliance I think), Rotten luck, Wartorn……………….there was a few others that are lost to memory now. I still remember the day the Gong was sounded and the amusement that followed.
Aww hey Demetheius, long time no see. Van’s been semi-retired for a long time but The Brooz days were the good days. Nice to see familiar names around.
YO BENTEN AND GISHNASH!!! It’s so cool to see you lovable Aussies still around!
I played Ral, tauren shaman and ham enthusiast. I was in No Guild (disbanded by a GM for a “naming violation” can you imagine) and Sanctuary of the Errant and I raided with Stormfist back in the day.
I quit back in Burning Crusade but I’m mighty tempted to play Classic. Still a little on the fence, but we’ll seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.