Silver covenant faction as an alliance allied race topic

It’s not a lie, you’re just apparently delusional…


We’re not taking into account how many of those upvotes were possibly done by the OP’s alts?


im waiting, link me blizzards post about they never going to make them playable.

I mean… that would defeat the point of taking the number of likes at face value.

This, unfortunately. Our best bet is getting new hair colors (blonde/brown/red/black).

And 40 people liked the one stating it seems like the same topic as the quarantine thread. So more people are frustrated by the spam than actually want the OP’s idea.

I cannot believe this thread is still going. It really should have been moved ages ago but I guess OP’s insistence on “Silver Covenant” instead of “High Elves” is keeping it just different enough for Blizzard to let it stay separate. Definitely a failure in moderation of these forums.

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very obvious that none.

Maybe because they shouldn’t be? Specially when the system it’s so easily played?

you can’t say that you literally spamming the forums will make blizz do anything either. you asserting you can is also “obvious lies.”

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It’s really not. There’s no way for anyone to tell what are your alts. And you are posting on a character with very few achieves. So that raises suspicion.

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I’ll be honest I just wanted to point out the fact that the OP isn’t even the most liked of the first two posts in the thread.


I agree. I was being nice for arguments sake. Apparently that was a mistake.


Nothing good comes from being nice.

Fair enough, but I was trying to find out who “we” was, so the most liked is kind of irrelevant.

They are Venom.

you know better about doing this, not me.

I have seen you spam replies today, which are desperate attempts to get attention. How can 40 age woman type xxgg lol things. Why you are so angry"?

Don’t be so toxic.

I tried reading through this, but all I could think of was the Tuskarr. Alliance need the Tuskarr to help turn the tide of the battle.

More pretty elves ain’t gonna do it!

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Hands up who’s publicly admitted to being a mass flagger.

(Put your hand up)


i’m sure you’re trying to insult me somehow but i have no idea what “xxgg” means.

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