Silver covenant faction as an alliance allied race topic

Want me to post on each and everyone one of my alts so you can see I’ve never done it?

Think you could do the same?

Venom is very toxic for sure.

No you’re thinking of Toxin.

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It’s an alien that infects your body. It’s very toxic.

almost all of the alts i ever play are in the guild this monk is in. i have a kt druid named “dreae” and obv a dwarf pally named “meccah”

it’s not like either of us have anything to hide.

the elf will not do the same, obv.

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And it’s been known to cause Agony.


And to cause absolute Carnage.


Why you stalking me?

I said you know better about such things. I do not.

I’m amazed anyone can think I have it in me to do all the work it takes to switch alts.

Clearly I don’t have such a great goal as pretty elves in the Alliance to motivate me enough to do that :roll_eyes:

Uhm… ok… native english speakers, help me up here.

Does this sound like OP is admitting to upvoting themselves or…

i have told people even in the last day or two that i am not gonna flag them because i can’t flag for 16 or so hours. and i won’t change alts to do it. rofl

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looks like you have experience about doing such things

Again, you are on a character with no achieves. Which means it’s an alt.

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Oh no no, don’t try to worm yourself out of this one.

I know better… not to do it, and I can prove it.

You… said that you don’t know better.


Again, she has literally admitted to a blue that she jumps across multiple alts to flag lock threads.


i have to hide my identity from stalkers such as Grabbag

No you try to hide yourself from your forum history.


everyone else is posting on the max level character they always do. i’ve been in threads where midare has told me she can’t like my post cuz she’s out of likes. i’ve done the same to her. you can’t expect to gaslight when the way you’re doing it makes zero sense. lots of us talk to each other all the time. we’re ALL too lazy to switch even when we actually like a range of posts. XD

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Go home Taliesin…

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Besides, Tuskarr would belong in the Horde anyway.

No, the Horde get Saberon or Taunka.