Silver covenant faction as an alliance allied race topic

it’s about playable Silver covenant faction.

How exactly they changed? They look same as blood elves.

She doesn’t look or appear to be “changed” at all.

How exactly they are transformed and still look like blood elves?

Do you even know “history” meaning? Past times are past times, not a history.

Not “may”,. they did, and now we have 3 faction of elves, fel- blood elves, void elves, and high elves.

I didnt tell them they sucked, I was simply just playing.

Also you don’t have alot of room to talk considering your strange desire to spam that your void elf isn’t a void elf…

I mean I’m happy you have the tools to rp as your version of a high elf and all.

Dictionary Definition of the term ‘History’:

  • the study of past events, particularly in societal affairs.
  • the whole series of past events connected with a particular person or thing.

Sums up what I said pretty plainly, which holds true to my statement made.

Blood Elves and High Elves are the same racial wise. The High Elves faction renaming themselves ‘Blood Elves’ has nothing to do with the fel. That has been repeated in quite a few Q&As and even referenced in the starting campaign. Quel’Thalas used the Fel to fuel their addiction (An addiction which all Thalassian elves shared, including the Silver Covenant) and kingdom, but that was moreorless a faction / cultural element - Later on, as the Blood Elves who remained around Quel’Thalas and these energies were effected many had their eyes collect an emerald hue. But they were called Blood Elves before that – As it was to honour the fallen, and the blood spilt against the Scourge.

They had a deep intense alteration that changed the core of their very being. Much like the Nightborne had with the Nightwell, though you don’t go saying they’re Night Elves or Highborne even though that’s what many of them use to be.

Additionally ingame Void Elves never use to have the Blood Elf appeals til later on - originally they were very distinctive; regardless of the additional appearance options though the lore remains the same, which is referenced in the Void Elf recruitment dialog and quests.


If you want that exact voice so much, play a night elf. I don’t know what else to tell you.

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HISTORY is from jewish word HIS +TOROS, READ-UNDERSTAND- Torah. It has literally nothing to do with real past what happened and word history how it’s described in dictionary.
I suggest google more about it, you will find very interesting info.

No they aren’t, if they were they would be under one tag and faction, now they are different.

it doesn’t changed anything, they just can control void powers.

We want playable silver covenant high elves as alliance allied race.

Well, what you said was:

Those are literally night elf voices, just only using the quotes that don’t directly reference being night elves. So if you want those voices, you can play a night elf.

If you want soothing, calm voices, but the Thalassian model, void elves provide that.

Feel free to keep asking for a separate AR, but I highly doubt Blizzard is going to provide what at this point amounts to void elves without Entropic Embrace as a separate race.

they are not. They are similar but not identical to night elves.

My mains are exclusively night elves. But, Silver covenant high elves are what i would like to play.

Void elves use a bit altered blood elf voices and it’s far from what silver covenant high elves sound.

Yes they are. The sound files are even listed as NightElfMaleStandardNPCGreeting02 and NightElfMaleStandardNPCFarewell05.

Void elf voices are not altered blood elf voices. They’re completely new.


Yeah, but night elves use Night_ElfMaleStandardNPCGreeting02.

Totally different.

Bolded for emphasis.


It’s weird that you think the SC aren’t high elves.

It’s a high elf thread. Like almost all your other threads.

It’s a high elf spam thread! :smiley:

The blue skin, tentacles and blue blood didn’t tip you off?

Not to mention they say it in game and in a book or two.

And yet Blizzard says she is in several places.

Thank you. I’m happy blizzard gave us all the tools to do so.

Makes Nelfas thread here quite unnecessary.

It’s spam anyways.


You know the Silver Covenant has other races like night elves and humans in it, right?

I can throw on the tabard and be part of the faction same as them.

Is it a high elf thread or a Silver Covenant thread? Which is it?


I’m not sure why any of you are acting like they’re discussing this in good faith given they publically admitted to mass flagging with alts.


all of the threads the 4 of you keep bumping are. im pretty sure its muted by the forum community, nothing new can be said, no one new ever posts, i mean its all spam

I did it because Somand did.

Who, me? :innocent:

See? She’s a vagabond and a knave

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<————- Real High Elf Race


Just promise us you won’t drive in that state.

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