Silver covenant allied bunch

Hello Shudder, I see you have met Cezol our resident Pro-Helfer that calls anyone who disagrees with him a lore ignorer and used to call people “Lore casuals”. He often isn’t worth the time.


High Elf used Blood Elf model, which is a Horde race, the game has always been gameplay first, lore second.

That’s like Horde asking for Northrend Worgen, or sand gnome from Terokkar, it’s the same.

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Who says they have to?

Nightborne use the Night elf model with slight tweaks.

That’s what makes the AR system perfect for adding High Elves.

Northern Worgen and Sand Gnomes aren’t on the Horde though.

Alliance High Elves have been on the Alliance since vanilla


Canonically they’re literally Blood Elf with Blue eye, so you want to change them out of your desperation to ERP as them?

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Oh, you’re playing semantics. I see.

Well, now you’re just denying reality.

You know, I am trying to not be a jerk to you but you make it temptingly easy. So how about this, we let this thread die and you can run back to your mega thread where everyone agrees with you?

That sound good?


I totally agree. I’m not a helfer myself, far from it. But I have to admit that if blizzard made the void elves come from the silver covenant alongside maybe Vareesa Windrunner, and made the void elves more like Alleria so that they are normal looking high elves that gain a void appearance in combat, similar to Worgen, then the helfers would be satisfied.

But the way blizzard gave us void elves was a knowing spit on the alliance high elf community.


You think a slight tweak to an idle animation is a drastic change?

They can still be the same race and have a different rig, your lack of imagination doesn’t make this impossible.

Kul Tirans are just humans, they look different.


So you want Horde model with different animation, the Horde is waiting for you.

Kul Tirans are on Alliance so it doesn’t matter, when Blizzard added fat Orc to Alliance I’ll complain with you.

Why couldn’t you have posted in the multiple threads that were up OP?

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These people are obsessed.

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So you’re just ignoring all the parts where I prove you’re actively lying?


Not at all, High Elves and Blood Elves are a different group, Blizzard has actively shown you this, again, I’m sorry you cherry-pick your lore :man_shrugging:.

The lying makes this hard to believe :man_shrugging:.

You get you’re allowed to not like the idea of High Elves right?

But running around spreading misinformation about the High elf request is disingenuous and only shows have far you have to stretch to make it seem like High Elves are impossible.

Not at all, I have the horde model, they’re void elves.

I’d like a different model for High Elves so it doesn’t trample all over Horde players, I’m considerate, unlike others.

Funny part is I don’t remotely need to ask for permission to have High Elves on the Alliance, they’re the most possible choice we have, they’ve been with us since vanilla, me suggesting rig changes is for the strict purpose of not stepping on horde toes.

So are High Elves, since vanilla.

Sorry you don’t know lore.


So its not High Elves then, High Elves look exactly like Blood Elves.

Make up your mind.

No matter how much I disagree with someone else insults like this are uncalled for.


Lol so you think because you think this way it works like that?

So you’d rather have them just rip the blood elf model again?

Instead of tweaking it like they’ve tweaked most ARs to not actually rip the model again?

Don’t get why you think tweaking a model makes it a different race but go off lol


I’d rather they just don’t add Blood Elves to the Alliance.

Let’s see…

Corruption, flying, pregnant character, 8.3 and High elves.

I think I got inane request bingo!

I am not ignoring anything. I can’t have a conversation with someone in good faith when they are no longer able to be reasonable or even debate on an agreement of terms and those definitions.

You’re so out there with your interpretation of definitions and lore that there is no actual conversation to be had. All I can do is either mock you or refuse to post responses to what equates to a child angrily flailing their arms and calling me names.

Can we just figure out a way to make Tabaxi a thing in wow?

They already did sweetheart, they’re called Void Elves.

High Elves haven’t been added to any faction yet, Horde have Blood elves :man_shrugging:, a different group.

You get you’re factually incorrect about lore right? Lol, you think lying about lore-nuance makes your point deeper?


Ok so that’s enough then.

I already said gameplay > lore.

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