Ishnu’alah everyone,
This is Grawrlz, known to many of you as Feyawen Nightfury, Keeper of the Silver Circle. Today, I come to you with a personal announcement that marks both an end and a beginning for me and, by extension, our beloved guild.
After much reflection, I have decided to retire from my role as the Keeper of the Silver Circle. This decision is driven by significant changes in my personal life. I am stepping into a new role as an officer in the US Air Force and am also a full-time mom. These responsibilities require my utmost attention and dedication, and it has become increasingly clear that I cannot devote the same level of commitment to the guild as I have in the past.
I want to assure you all that this decision was not made lightly. The Silver Circle has been a significant part of my life, and the experiences we’ve shared and the community we’ve built together hold a special place in my heart. However, I believe in the importance of leadership and the responsibility it entails, and I cannot in good conscience continue in a role that I am unable to fulfill to the best of my abilities.
That said, this is not a farewell. I will still be a part of the Silver Circle and our community, albeit not in such a prominent position. I will remain in the wings, cheering you on, participating when I can, and always keeping an eye on the incredible stories and adventures that this guild is known for.
The Silver Circle has always been more than just one person. It’s a collective of talented, passionate individuals who come together to create something extraordinary. I have every confidence in our leadership and members to carry on the legacy of the Silver Circle, and I look forward to seeing the guild continue to thrive and grow.
Thank you all for the understanding, support, and camaraderie. Here’s to the future of the Silver Circle, and to all the new adventures that await!
Warm regards,
Grawrlz / Feyawen

1) Are you quitting the game?
- No. I am not leaving Warcraft or Silver Circle in a literal sense. I am merely stepping down from my role as Guild Leader. I will become a Silversworn. This will afford me with some time to login and enjoy the game, and to pick up projects new and old that I can offer to the guild and wider community. I will also remain as a presence in the wings to assist the leadership team with artistic tasks related to the guild, or in a mentorship capacity if they so request.
2) Who is replacing you?
Celassa Kal’nor, will become the next Keeper. I have been conducting a series of private meetings with Celassa over the last few weeks/months to prepare her for this inevitable moment. She is very eager to prove herself, and she could use all the support and encouragement from you all as she eases into this new role. It’s A LOT more work than people realize, so please be ready to assist her when you are all able, and please remember to be vigilant of how she is doing as a person first, and not just as GL.
3) When will the transition take place?
I have written an elaborate ritual for this particular event to be enjoyed IC, in which all Silversworn both past and present can come to participate. This event will take place on December 18th, 2023 at 6pm (WRA server time) / 5pm (MG server time). This event will receive an open invite listing on the WRA and MG server forums, for the community to come spectate if they so choose. I would be greatly honored to see many of you there on your Silversworn characters, to help me allow Feyawen to fulfill this IC ritual to the fullest.