Silent. Where are you? *UPDATE*

Does Blizzard not moderate their own forums? It makes the excuse that players are too toxic a non-issue. Moderate if that’s the case but it’s a poor excuse for no communication.

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People seem to be under the impression that posts can’t be deleted and posters banned. Kinda’ like they can’t do anything about bots and such.


Moderators are not Community Managers.

And could you imagine this forum’s toxicity if all the toxic “feedback” was suddenly being moderated?

You’re the reason CMs don’t post here anymore. And its easier for you to blame the victims of your toxicity than to admit to yourself that you and people like you drove away the people doing the community a favor.


Uh, not even close. Like I said, they took care of that problem and they continued posting. For several years.

Logic. Grab ya’ some.

And like bots, they were actually able to do that at one time.

You know, when Blizzard had people doing jobs and things.

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I know in your mind you think you’re “winning” But you’ve just provided the quintessential example to every 3rd party reading of why Blizzard no longer engages with us.

Perhaps one day you’ll have a moment of self reflection. Perhaps. But to everyone else reading this…its pretty clear isnt it?

Blizzard doesn’t post here anymore because people insult any blue text to the point of perma-bans…and blame the blue text for it.


Except you’re wrong. Ghostcrawler continued to post years after I was banned. My post, nor anyone else’s has anything to do with Blizzard abandoning its player base.

I’ve had worse directed at me. I’d bet you have too. And yet, here you and I are. If everyone stopped posting because people were mean to them, you’d have, like, three people here.

Blizzard stopped communicating with their players because they don’t care about their players, not because they have fragile feelings.

You’re blaming Blizzard for not having a thick enough skin to handle being abused? Thats gross man.

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So I’m just imagining all those blue posts? LOL

Why is “perfect game” in quotes? He never said that. He never implied anything close to that.

You always know your argument is strong when you have to accuse your opponent of something extreme that they never even said.

yes it does, its basic human psychology

  1. talk to playerebase
  2. receieves abuse from playerbase
  3. wants to avoid abuse
  4. stop talking to playerbase
  5. no longer receieves abuse

this is HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY, it is science.

none of us have ever receieved the same amount of abuse that blizzard has, not in magnitude nor degree. if everytime you posted here, you had 100s of people abusing, tormenting, and mocking you, would you still post here?

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pointing out flaws with the game is “abuse”


Yeah, I am. Anyone who works in customer service will tell you the same thing. You take the bad with the good. There really isn’t an excuse for people going over the top to the point of getting a forum ban. Not for me, or anyone. But it happens and you take care of the problem and move on.

You’re coming at this from the view point that Blizzard cares so much about what people say to them that they’re just not going to talk to them anymore. That doesn’t even make sense, first of all, and secondly cutting off communication shows a total lack of interest. That’s just reality.

Blizzard never said they stopped communicating because people were too mean. That’s something players made up out of whole cloth and then trotted it out as if it is a fact. It isn’t.

just like blizzard has never said that they stopped communicating because they dont care, yet you continue to say that as if it is fact. it isnt. they’ve actually said the opposite of your narrative, they constantly tell us they care and how disappointed they are when the community is disappointed.

but you are welcome to believe whatever false narrative you want

the real yikes is thinking that harrasment and abuse is feedback

“Its Blizzard fault for not handling our toxicity!”

Other’s with more self awareness would have realized that blaming victims of toxicity is not a good thing…but here you are saying it loud and proud.

Blizzard is doing us a favor by communicating with us. And then you have the audacity to claim with a straight-face that its THEIR fault for not putting up with YOUR toxicity.

People who mock, abuse, torment or harass are banned. Simple. And yes, this happened, and no it wasn’t as common as people blow it up to be. The forums used to be vigilantly monitored.

People who vehemently disagree are not doing any of those things.

That is absolutely true. And guess what? They used to.

This idea that devs and CM’s were constantly harassed and abused is pure fiction. They weren’t. And when they were, it was handled. I’m living proof. I was banned for calling a dev a liar.

They didn’t put up with it. This is THEIR forum, isn’t it? They enforce the rules, don’t they?

They didn’t stop communicating because people were mean. They stopped because they don’t care.

The idea that they stopped because they care too much is flat out silly.

No one is saying that.

I mean, there has to be something to commend for so proudly saying the quiet parts out loud. It makes dancing around euphemisms much easier.

If you’re going going to blame the victims of toxicity so forcefully, I guess that’s just what you are going to do. But you have to understand that’s actually a bad thing.

But I guess it’s just easier to claim that Blizzard doesn’t care that it is to believe that your victim blaming is a bad thing.

I never said toxicity was a good thing. Never. Show me where I said this??

I said it was handled in the past. Fact. I said players are the recipients of the same toxicity. Fact. I said these forums were Blizzard’s responsibility. Fact.

Show me the blue post that says they no longer communicate with their players because they’re “toxic.” You can’t because they never said this. This is an ASSUMPTION based on nothing more than the desire for Blizzard to still care about you. They don’t.

Blizzard isn’t a victim of anything. The same devs who were the recipients of vitriol were also the recipients of fans and adorers. Another fact. So these people didn’t matter? They didn’t want to be around them anymore because of the few and short lived toxic ones?

Does this actually make sense to you?

You can pretend Blizzard stopped communicating because they cared too much, but the opposite conclusion has the evidence to support it.

If we’re going down this pedantic rabbit hole…show me where I said you said it was a good thing. lol.

You can be toxic without violating rules. You understand that right? You can spew vitriol without doing anything ban worthy. In fact, earning a ban is pretty hard and you have to do something really egregious to get one. Just because people arn’t getting banned over their toxicity doesn’t mean it isn’t toxic.

Rofl okay. If this is where you want to go. Show me where they said they’re not posting because they don’t care. You can’t because its an ASSUMPTION based on your desire to believe you are not at fault.

Yes. The blue posters here are the victims of a disgustingly huge amount of toxicity…and some how saying “there are people who like them too!” does not make up for the garbage they deal with.

No, not in the slightest. The idea that good posts some how erase out bad posts? That isn’t a thing.

Only you are saying “cared too much.” Blizzard doesn’t post here because of the unfathomable amounts of toxicity thrown at every post with blue letters. If you want “evidence to support it” there is a nifty “Blue Tracker” tab. Take a moment and just bask in how awful this community is.

And if you don’t see a problem in the way this community treats CMs when you’re browsing around, then you are in-fact part of the problem.