Silenced, want to know why

Title, I am pretty vulgar and I probably deserve to be silenced but seriously? I get silenced over everything. Isn’t this why there is a Mature language filter? I’d like to know the reason I got silenced and “Abusive Chat” Doesn’t cut it. Thanks.

Also, your automated system is garbage.

Cops wear ballistic vests, does that mean it’s okay to shoot at them? The filter is there so people don’t have to see the language, it’s not carte blanche to run your mouth.

Perhaps you really need to look at how you interact with people in game.

Kinda answered your own question.


No. Same principle as someone wearing a bulletproof vest doesn’t give you permission to shoot them.

The filter is there for parents who don’t want their kids to see it or for people who don’t want to see it themselves. It does not absolve you of the rules stating that such language is unacceptable in their game.

While the email you received stated the penalty and reason, you’ll probably be able to find out exactly what you said by ticketing a GM. Or you could wait for an SFA to come along and make it public.


Pretty sure you answer yourself.


Everytime it’s the same response, automated system. Every single time, they always answer when I’m offline too.

As Blizzard has stated on multiple occasions, the mature language filter is NOT there to allow you to say whatever you please without repercussions.

If you wish to appeal your silence, you will need to submit an appeal ticket.

Also, you can read up on the Code of Conduct for the game.


and that’s why you are constantly getting silenced…


The email system is automated, yes. Ticket responses are not. You don’t need to be online for them to respond, and just as likely that you won’t get a one-on-one even if you were. The whole structure has been vastly improved to facilitate this.

One-on-one discourse slows the flow, so they avoid it as best they can.


I’m gonna go with “nah.” Buzzwords will not help your rose-tinted narrative here.


From another thread on “why are people so sensitive these days”: