Silenced Players Can’t Apply to Groups?

I think it is perfectly reasonable for someone (read: level 1 bot) spamming the same ad 4 times a minute 24/7 to be reported for spam and silenced.

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Yes - nothing so foul and intolerable as an opinion that fails to align with your own. Lol!

I’m more heavy handed, if you false flag you should be banned for a few days. Not on the third offence, not on the second, but maybe the first - maybe sometimes you get a warning, maybe not. This way, it makes people think twice and very seriously before they hit that report button.

one leaves a permanent mark on your account, and creates increasing account penalties.

the other doesn’t.

seems like a big enough issue to care about.

No, it’s not. Only the squelch is automated. A squelch is an automated, temporary silence to limit someone’s immediate impact if they are saying something that breaks the rules. Blizzard then reviews the case, and if the person did nothing wrong the squelch is removed (or allowed to expire without penalty). If however that person did do something wrong, then Blizzard hits them with a silence, which grows in duration (with no cap) every time they get silenced.

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They don’t. The squelch will automatically expire if no one reviews it and decides you deserve to be silenced. The length of a silence is determined by how often you have been found to be violating community standards in the past. They’re not the same thing at all.

it absolutely is automated. now there is a catch. the automated part is called a squelch. and it works exactly the same as a silence. but you get silenced if they review it and uphold it. BUT if you dont contest it, it sticks and still counts against you.

im not talking about or learned this from a streamer, im talking personally. the squelch/silence was instant in game, and i thought it would get reviewed, but nope, only automated responses from Blizz when i got squelched and when it expired. only time it got reviewed was when i opened a ticket on another one.

so yes, it is 100% automated, they just added some extra language to act like it isnt.

Hasn’t it always been this way?

Me, literally on WRA. Told someone their understanding of economics is horribly misguided and were therefore wrong. They didn’t like that and reported me and I got silenced for basically telling somebody they were wrong.

It could be likely I got hit because they were arguing politics and I just chimed in to correct them on economics in a single message and maybe I was collateral damage because they saw me post, assumed I was involved in the actual discussion and gotten me on that in the crossfire which is likely. Though that said, it’s Wyrmrest Accord which is basically Tumblr the server. So I think it was more likely I legit got reported because I didn’t agree with their politically driven idea on how economics works as sad as that is to say.

No, these are new with 9.1. Previously if you were silenced you couldn’t make a group, trade people, duel people, or whisper people that didn’t whisper you first iirc.

I thought that it’s been that way for a couple of years.

I’m thinking the conversation was somewhat more offensive or profane.

Or Reddit.

This will just give people more power to enforce their opinions. Because we need more of that on the internet…

From the other participants, possible. In game I don’t type a lot and give short answers to questions which has led to a lot of my guildmates in the past to think I’m non-social or foreign. After that one suspension in Cataclysm from Proudmoore party members because I referred to a boss I was getting frustrated with as “gay” I pretty much just do not type in game anymore.

well… they’re not going to review it if you don’t ask for a review.
obviously. :crazy_face:

the silence is applied by a human,.

everyone has seen enough screenshots.
people are very familiar with policy.
just because you seem confused about your interactions, doesn’t mean you know what you’re talking about.

if people are confused about how it works, i urge them to go and ask in the customer support forum.
(but that won’t happen, because people don’t like learning)

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Twitter is seriously a dumpster fire. An obnoxious echo chamber for snowflakes.

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What’s a snowflake on Twitter?

if you know aaaallllllll about it, then explain it. i explained to you how its still an automated punishment, which you seem to agree, yooure just stuck on how they try to word it.

they still punish you in an automated way. they only change the language if they review it, but ONLY review it if you contest it. not contesting it, you still get punished and a strike… it is 100% automated.

I started saying “ty al” because one time I’m going to get someone named Al and that will make him really happy.


Anyone who uses the term ‘snowflake’ should probably not be taken seriously…

Most of the time the folks I see using that term deserve the criticism they get.


The conclusion I was getting to. You put it wonderfully. :heart:

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Found the snowflakes.

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