Silenced Players Can’t Apply to Groups?

Calm down snitch.

:violin: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note:

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Im guessing you have been told to heal more. It’s okay, only way to learn is by tough love. Chin up.

:violin: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note: Stay mad~~~ :violin: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note:


Assuming i’m mad by text/post on a forum. You’re actually a clown. Keep me laughing.

So mad. So sad~~~ :violin: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note:

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you’re so bad, so trash.

I was right. :grin:


You’ve never been a leader in the real world. If you have been assigned as one you have been ineffective at your job with that attitude.


Can confirm, also don’t believe it.

Sorry princess but your assumption is wrong. My attitude on a video game is not my attitude outside of it. Keep showing ignorance.

I mean, if you call strangers princess - it’s not a good sign.

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Yeah you completely crafted an online persona to troll the WoW forums. I will be expressing my discontent with You to Blizzard for negatively impacting the quality of the community.


well if I get silenced I get silenced I dont give a damm anymore

I’ve flamed people and used derogative terms towards them many times in keys and pvp. The only time I’ve ever been chat restricted was when I posted an image of an egg in trade chat and got mass reported by carry sellers.

I seriously can’t believe you either understand their application of the rules or realize how stupid it is to worsen the restrictions.

Well, this thread went southbound real quick.

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Some people are so addicted that they have to get themselves an IP ban.

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This game has speech? Wait, this game has MULTIPLAYER!?

Hey don’t insult my food!

But really, I hate to see a post that actually impacts community engagement get side tracked someone attacking people for caring about game quality.

Why would that push out leavers?

Leavers cannot be punished for leaving as nobody is required to stay.