It has been 6 weeks since we have received any blue post/update from Blizzard on the status of Warlocks. The forums have been rife with posts from people voicing their opinions, concerns, and aggravations on the current state of Warlocks, and we have received no response from Blizzard alleviating our concerns.
After reading the 11.0.5 patch notes for tomorrow I was so irrationally upset about more nerfs and the pitiful, and frankly absolutely insulting, buffs to Warlocks that I had to step away for a bit and cool down before I made this post. I just cannot understand how Blizzard can justify nerfing the 4th worst M+ DPS class, the worst pure DPS class, and the overall worst AOE class in the game. How does this make sense? Classes that are already doing very well are getting buffs, but Warlocks, who are doing very poorly at the moment, are getting more nerfs? I could maybe understand these changes if they were part of a class over hall, but with absolutely zero communications from Blizzard, I do not know what to think or do.
I could spend this thread re-explaining the issues with our class right now, but many others have already articulately voiced these concerns in past posts. All I am am asking for right now is an update from Blizzard giving us some kind of hope that the Warlock class has some changes and/or buffs coming down the pipeline soon that make us viable again, and make our class no so absolutely frustrating to play. Please, Blizzard, give us a reason to be hopeful.
i guess no longer apply that if you are a pure dps class you will have a viable spec to play, in modern wow your 3 specs will suck and we will ignore you while we keep buffing the meta classes that already are at the top tier list.
“Why are you nerfing one of the worst dps classes overall right now and buffing the best?”
Can you imagine if they actually responded lol
Would probably be chatgpt answering.
Also would make sense if the entire tuning process was assigned to AI while the devs work on the next expansion. At least that would explain the random tuning.
You know there’s enough specs for them to rotate this right?
If your class has multiple specs performing at the very bottom, there’s definitely space to have at least one of the specs near the top.
This is often said by ignorant people, but there’s last, and then there’s the wild difference in damage between the favoured classes and everyone else.
If the difference between first and last was 5%, it’d really not be much of an issue.
When the difference is not only a huge DPS loss, but the favoured faceroll classes with high DPS also have the best survivability and utility, it’s just incompetence.
We’re asking for at least one of our hero/specs to be decent, instead of all of them horrible.
This is Nonfeasance at best and malfeasance at worst on the part of the development team.
they’ll fix it eventually just haven’t got round to it yet
Lols yeah. Always a chuckle when people say stuff like this. “Some one has to be at the bottom!” is the #1 excuse used for any complaint about position on dps lists, or being a bad class or spec in pvp. The concept of disparity between rankings is lost on the stupid.
Its completely reasonable to ask for undertuned damge to be brought up to standard. Baffling when people act like it isnt.
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I’ve never seen as many people try to defend a class’ bad direction as the warlock mains.
Some people just want the class to be bad for some reason, maybe it’s partially due to having less players play said class thus making those that stick with it feel “special” due to rarity, snowflake syndrome or whatnot. But those people will always be the most vocal with the most idiotic takes about why the class doesn’t need changes/buffs and to just deal with it or reroll.
Absolute clown behavior if you ask me.
You must be new here. Warlocks are mushroom.
I guess we all just have to wait till they are done with every other class … and then MAYBE the warlock designers can have a look at our class and bring in some positive tuning
Yes, well, we got the cat that picked Overwatch hero bans thst one time to pick what classes to buff and nerf and that’s just how the cat rolled. It was completely out of our control! - Ion, probably
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Diablo 4 new patch is also facing a balancing dilemma.
Granted there’s is the difference of one class doing trillions worth of damage vs another doing billions .
I’m UN-subscribing this week if i don;t see a blue post addressing the common issues every warlock player has stated since Alpha and Beta. Unfornately I bought a 6 month sub but I will go out in a blaze of fire after i unsub for the treatment this company has shown to 7% of the player base. This is on par with the MMR fiasco of healing in sub 1800 solo shuffle. Why heal, why play, this game is bugged and the devs are on vacation.
Wow devs are pushing out class tunings so frequently this season, but those tunings are either scratching the surface of the problem or in totally wrong direction. Whoever in charge of the class balancing issue has no clue how to juggling the balls.
fing idiots. that is what they are…
Maybe it’s alphabetical … Oh wait Warlock < Warrior.
Maybe it’s just caster’s … Oh wait TWO Mage Specs in top 3 spots
Maybe it’s just colors … Hmm Havoc is still higher and it’s purple
I’ve got nothing …no reason, no rhyme, no excuse for the complete silence. Before 11.05 Warlock was about 16% behind. With buffs to those classes, nerfs to diabolist, and a complete whitewashing of issues raised, we are simming what, 25% lower? How about a look, an explanation, anything?
I mean Cata Classic is out, and Cata was the xpac that saw the warlock class population drop to 1.5% of the player base. So they’re just trying to relive that era of wow.
“We’d rather you didn’t play warlock…”
-Ion, probably