Silence False Flaggers

Alright so it’s about time this is addressed. Certain people on the forums like to false flag posts and topics to have them shut down often resorting to swapping to multiple alts to flag, so that the person can be silenced or have their topic closed. This happens all the time with topics, however I have noticed this happening to posters as well. Certain groups as well like to coordinate group flags on posts and topics they do not like as well, which is sad and utterly pathetic.

I suggest Blizzard hand out forum silences to those who false flag after a moderator finds said post and or topic to not be against forum rules. A large part of the toxicity on the forums is due in part to these false flaggers and putting forward a way to curb their malicious flagging would go a long way to making the forums a place where players can actually discuss things without fear of being shut down.


Cant the posts only be shut down if the flagging is appropriate?

To be fair, the code of conduct is vague enough that literally any discussion topic can be considered in violation thereof, but your post would still need to be crossing some line to get removed.


I don’t understand. What about them?


There is a limited number of things that just need to be linked to account number instead of per char and I think flagging is one of them. Who flagged and why they flagged is not public knowledge so linking it to account should not pose a privacy issue.

I also think there should be a weekly limit to the amount of flags you can give. Cause frankly if your doing it more then 10 times in a week, it may be a you (need to remove a giant stick) problem and not a public problem.


Flagging posts should be limited to real life threats and spam. This world needs less safe spaces.


I have been suspended for the most inoffensive stuff, just if a few people flag.

Then, asking for a review, i get based upon past infractions (( also inoffensive) it stands.

I’d rather see , " agreed that was not flag/ suspension worthy. Instead, the people flagging get a two day suspend. Sorry our auto suspend bot is bad"


This isn’t the world, it’s a video game forum.


Ok, go ask whoever owns 4chan or whatever anonymous hell-hole is popular these days to give you a WoW board. Then you can have all the frozen peaches you could ever desire.

Hot take: A forum where edgy hate-mongers can post whatever they please without accountability or meaningful consequences is just a safe space for people who can’t take any heat but want to dish a lot out.


if enough posts in a thread get flagged, it will auto-lock

they already have that its called reddit :rofl:


I had one reversed once I pointed out I was totally aware of who and why I was flagged, and it was a multiple character flagger. It ticks me off to see some people like their own posts 20 times to feel a sense of what false pride maybe.

They need to do something to prevent that kind of stupidity, make it one toon can post only or something.

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Holy triggered, Batman.


Oh–Here’s another hot take. Accusing people of being triggered is just the u mad meme from like 2003 with a new coat of paint and some shades. That makes it older than WoW.


So next time you don’t agree with someone in the real world, just go tell the cops to arrest them. You probably already do.


Did you happen to see my post to you about this not being the real world, it’s a video game forum?


well if the disagreement is over wanting to kill me and I choose to not want to agree to their decision your darn right im calling for help :rofl:


Yeah, sorry about that.

Forum or no, training people to attempt to silence anyone they don’t agree with is wrong.

I don’t agree with tons of people, but they’re free to say what they wish.


I had one downvoted last night. I never insulted anyone just stated an unpopular opinion. Thankfully a mod did not agree with it and restored it. Kind of ridiculous. Just bring back the downvote button Blizzard, save your mods from being forced to work overtime cause of people who cant handle an opinion differing from their own.



For real though cancel culture is just bullying masquerading as virtue


i was silenced for 2 weeks for telling someone to quit the game if they don’t enjoy it.