Sigh loot in cn

bro what? we’re not changing anything but adding a vendor and currency to gain via boss slain so you can purchase an item from a vendor which nets you an additional item.

What are you even on right now?

Let’s face it. Loot needs to drop from the actual raid, not the vault. While the vault is effectively gearing the player, it is psychologically telling the player that they have merely been given a prize for attending.


I guess you are having trouble with reading comprehension.

I’ve explained the math to you a couple times.

Adding a vendor does not fix the problem. The problem is the loot drop rate, that needs to be changed…not adding an unneeded vendor

Problem with saying that getting a piece a week from the vault is good even though you’re not getting anything in the raid is a problem. That doesn’t take into account being able to get gear out of M+ in the vault as well since you can only get 1 piece of vault loot per week. BfA had problems, but if you wanted to raid or M+ you could effectively gear a toon. Sure azerite armor mucked it all up because you often didn’t get what you wanted/it ended up being a downgrade, but if you toss azerite armor out the nearest airlock BfAs gearing systems were loads better than SL. Except for PvP, SL is loads better than BfA for PvP gear. Which might be why so many are gravitating toward PvP for gear instead of raiding/M+ lol

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The loot drop rate is fine, they just have to lessen the gap in gearing because gearing in PvP is VERY easy. So adding a vendor for PvE would fix that issue.

I’m sorry you played the loot pinata expansions and think WoW was always like this.

Adding a vendor is changing the loot drop rate by adding an additional piece of loot through currency. They could reach the same effect by just adding additional loot to regular content.

That’s a funny statement in a thread complaining about the loot drop rate

Well yeah, that’s why you pvp in order to do everything instead. It’s like the opposite of lo expansions past!

Because I’m suggesting a different ilvl? not an additional piece from already farmed content.

I fully stand by it.

u know being a tool and snarky petty about pvping to pve is just going to make the other side ignore your calls when they finally change it back right?
it took wat 5 years for them to fix pvp

next time devs straight ignores u people wont support your side

we both know they gonna change it back and screw pvp too lmao

Yep, PvP gearing is pretty popular, so you KNOW Blizz is going to swing the fun hammer at it eventually and mess it all up for PvPers. Both PvE and PvP should have effective and enjoyable gearing paths. It seems every expansion only one side gets it while the other is left to complain (and be mostly ignored).

Wait Castle Nathria bosses drop loot!?

I thought all they dropped was anima.


Can you get random loot drops from PVP that are a competitive ilvl?

I don’t PVP enough to know how that part of the system works

And? Could not half of it (if not more) be coming from the GV, especially if they have been playing since launch?

Getting loot from the GV is not the same feel as getting loot from the boss you and your friends just defeated. You are alone basically (unless you are a streamer) when you loot the GV.

The only hype around your GV loot is you lol and that is super lame.

I don’t think gear drops randomly anymore, at least not high ilevel gear. The big thing PvPers wanted was vendors back, which they got. And the ilevel of PvP gear is in a good spot for the most part. So PvPers are happy, while PvEers are in a loot drought and turning to PvP to gear up. Almost a complete roll reversal from BfA lol


ohhhhhhhh dang… watch out for the flaming anger trolls OP!!! I feel your pain bruh.

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Which is why i suggested the vendor hand out 205 maybe even 207 gear to put it on par with PvP.

1400 rating = 207 gear (you can target slots)
1600 rating = 213 gear (you can target slots)
1800 rating = 220 gear (you can target slots)

I’m unsure how it goes any higher since I’ve only hit 1800 lol.

But yea, there’s no RNG in PvP.

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Seems a little unfair dud’nnit?

So to reach an equal system they would have to remove all loot from dungeons/raids and your loot ilvl is restricted to the highest content you have completed…

And people actually think this sounds like a good reward system for PVE content?

Yea it actually does… Its still less to zero RNG and ilevel is already restricted to the highest content you have completed. win/win…

I prob wouldn’t remove ALL loot from dungeons/raids, but a currency system similar to PvP would be better over the vault of disappointment…

Why are you so extreme? we are not trying to find an equal system. We are just trying to lessen the gap so PvE players can continue to progress via PvE.

That’s it.

Nothing is being removed. Stop saying that.