Sigh loot in cn

Two weeks of heroic cn and no loot drops. The only upgrade one can really get if from the weekly vault, I’m just not interested in pvp.

Wish they had addressed this, it’s been a bummer in an otherwise good start to the expansion.


Youre wearing 7 pieces of heroic raid loot. No loot indeed.


And I’ve been clearing heroic every week. Some of those are from the vault. Last two weeks not a single drop from the actual heroic cn raid


And the reason you got them from the vault is because you did it so it still counts.
you can’t say ‘no loot’ when you are wearing 7 pieces.

For examples : I’ve gotten 2 raid finder items (were less than what I was wearing but still got them) from the vault which means I’ve had two drops (one a week doing one wing a week) from LFR


its exhausting defending the loot issues from people who only lfr and think gear doesnt matter as if bosses will die if your doing basically no damage ( i mean they do in lfr i guess)

we gonna go this circle again where bunch of casuals say gearing is fine
then other people no its not fine cus i want to progress blalbahbal

can we talk about something else today?

hey it snowed a little today how are you guys


Let’s do the math shall we ? raid has been out for what ? 8 weeks, so if you are wearing 7 pieces of heroic gear you are averaging almost a piece a week. As can do only one run a week that means that most weeks you got an item. Maybe not from the raid itself and maybe from the vault but you can’t sit here and say ‘I got no loot’ when you have 7 pieces. Do you expect to be full geared in a single run ? if so you must be new to WoW and raiding.

Raids should not be loot pinatas.


7 heroic pieces wont get you anywhere in terms of high end pvp/mythic/ or mythic plus
your jsut assuming the dude is working hard to stay at level hes at while being gated by pure power level from challenging himself

not gonna get into this today because even without looking at your profile i can tell we play 2 totally different games

edit - oh looked i was right
zero mythic only lfr’s ya gearing is fine if thats your peak rest my case moving on


"bro trust me im a good player, but the great vault and the RNG been screwing me over every week, i dont like to pvp so i wont get upgrades from there. OH BTW I can’t do mythic+ because RNG, BUT TRUST ME IM A GOOD PLAYER

They need a tiny violin emoji.

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getting 7 pieces of loot in 8 weeks in any other expansion would have been considered quick gearing, why is it considered slow gearing this expansion ? what are the expectations ? piece of loot per boss per person so can be fully geared in 2 weeks ?

You say the loot is bad but fail to say what your expectations are.


we most def live in two different worlds leave it at that

I can sorta live with the loot drought on my main but it’s pretty awful on alts. I feel like it could be buffed a bit, but my BIGGEST issue is what you get if you DON’T get loot. 35 anima is pathetic, man!


Thats what wannabe madseasonshow players get. No loot.


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I think my problem with this version of the math is that it’s assuming he’s only raiding. If he’s downing enough H raid bosses for 2 vault choices, as well as completing 4 keys each week, that’s still only 1 piece of loot from the vault, despite quite a bit of effort and time in end-game content. And I know from experience it’s totally possible to run 4 keys and only get anima or conduits.

The loot sucks. I’d be happy if they’d just bring back bonus rolls so at least folks could potentially target specific pieces they’d like. Ideally they’d bring back token gear.


I agree they should add a vendor to lessen the gap.

But at the same time, these casuals are doing bare minimum for the vault and when the vault fails them on Tuesday, its a huge issue because they don’t do any of the harder content throughout the week to get any actual upgrades

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Oh I’m sure he is, likely the items that drop or come from the vault are worse than what he is wearing (joys of raiding am I right ? ) so he is not choosing them or is selling / DEing the drop.

I see this idea all the time, and it is very flawed.

Blizz has set the loot rate, so even if they add a vendor it will not speed up gearing. We will still be stuck gearing at whatever speed they set the pace to.

Will it make everybody feel better…maybe initially, but not in the long run when everyone figures out that it makes no difference

Flawed in what way?

The way vendor should be added is very simple.

Currency starts to drop from mythic+ whether its badges or some other currency doesn’t matter much.

Then add a vendor that gives 205 loot so that once the casuals are done with their cove quest and they’re sitting at 200, it gives them incentive to do mythic+ to get into that 205 range.

As it is right now, once you hit 200ilvl, you either have to PvP or yolo luck your RNG with the vault and the CN loot table.

Doesn’t have to be an item for every single slot either, just a few.

It is flawed because the general assumption is that this will solve the loot problems.

As stated in my previous post, Blizz sets the gearing tempo.

If Blizz wants you to only get an average of 4 upgrades a month, adding a vendor will not change or fix that rate…you will still get no more than 4 a month

Perhaps it will give the illusion of a better system, but it will not fix the rate.

Of course it wont fix the rate, the rate is fixed in dungeons and raids.

But you STILL GET AN EXTRA PIECE OF GEAR VIA THE VENDOR that you wouldn’t get otherwise.

That’s the whole point.

Would it? If the rate is 4 and they suddenly give you a vendor item, then they have changed the rate to 5.

If the rate is 4 and they add a vendor, but don’t change the rate then they will adjust other loot so you still only get 4.

We should be demanding more loot in general, not the addition of a vendor that would most likely have no impact