*sigh* It's gonna be Genn, isn't it

I doubt it’ll be Genn… now Turalyon on the other hand is more likely. I mean more so if you look at what happened to Yrel, a person who followed and believed in the light most their life, became forged in the light even…suddenly going crazy. If anything… Turalyon losing himself to the light and deeming the Horde must be cleansed seems more likely than old wolf Genn. Genn doesn’t want the war anymore he just wants Anduin to come home as he’s worried about him, like a father who misses their boy as he’s been like an adopted father figure for Anduin in a way since Varian died. Always asking his advice, confiding in him… Genn won’t be the one to start the war… oh no we’re most likely watching a proud knight turn dictator in Turalyon losing himself like Yrel did


We don’t actually want/expect Turalyon to turn bad, we expect that Blizzard will force him into being the villain. Most of the people I see who talk about a “light bad/void good” expansion are being facetious.


I mean. Turalyon was totes fine with the naaru imprisoning his wife.

He’s sus and I wanna hear Travis Willingham go crazy


Either Genn or Turalyon. I’m kinda hoping for Turalyon to be honest.

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Gen is loyal to Alliance. Gen will only be against horde if horde walks of from the piece path we created. I can se Tyralion of whatever his name is spelled drifting on side and start with some light void fiasco

Oh yes, definitely Turalyon. He’s already the head of an gang of paladins that goes around calling itself the Army of Light, so he’s got the religious aspect covered. In the Mag’har scenario we saw that Draenor’s Army of Light went seriously off the deep end. Add to that the way the Titans are shown in the new Uldaman lore, and Neltharion’s use of Oathbinder, and it starts to paint a picture…


Don’t worry, the Forsaken are here to protect you.


Fixed that for you.


I have no idea what you mean.

hides sprayer behind back


Just sliding in to remind everyone that Moira kidnapped his son, via not allowing him to leave Ironforge for what I assume was some political scheme that was as dumb as a sack of hammers.

Doing that put her at direct odds with not just another kingdom but the Alliance as a whole and could very easily get her knocked off.


I mean it’s been Genn.

He deliberately attacked the horde warchief du jour in legion despite being directly ordered not to.

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Psh, don’t worry about the details.

Nothing greater came out of that though. He broke her trinket, nearly died, and got swatted with a rolled up newspaper by Anduin. The Alliance never had the same rebellion against his leadership that the Horde did in Mists and BfA.

Recently? It’s Anduin Lothar. (Grommash if the team leader is alliance)

…with the time rift using Daelin Proudmoore. (Rexxar if the team leader is alliance [edit: Not sure])

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If it means fixing Gilneas.

Better yet, Genn tries to attack Silvermoon and we get two cities fixed

:dragon: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Turalyon is definitely safe if nothing happened during the five year timeskip though he is still destined to perish. :dracthyr_sweat:

I was only an infant when my father was deployed to this wasteland. All that I have ever known of him is what others have told me. Do your dreams change, ? Mine do not. I have one dream: A crimson skyline envelops me as Legion, numbering beyond comprehension, battle in the distance. I kneel before the body of a man, presumably my father, and weep. As he is gasping for air, his body wholly crushed, he whispers something. Despite every effort, I am unable to hear what he is trying to tell me.

Also supposedly N’zoth’s visions are a lesson for later. :dracthyr_sweat: :dracthyr_sweat: :dracthyr_sweat:

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Quite the faux pas in Gilean culture


Ever heard of Moira?

Putting a traitor in charge of the dwarves was the worst thing they could do, would be like putting a Scarlet Crusade in charge of the Forsaken

The entire dwarven starting enemy through almost all of the zones are Dark Iron


I mean eventually she managed to unite dwarves

Alliance still has a couple gigachad leaders. The horde though…my God how the mighty have fallen.


The writers did that and it made no sense to me

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