Siege of Orgrimmar Skip - Don't forget

I’d like to see more changes impulse by the numerous feedback on these forums, after all Council was created for that and MoP bosses increase was mentioned for years…

Same with a Skip for old raids " * They’ve definitely heard the feedback that the Siege of Orgrimmar could use a skip, and might be looking into adding one."

lets remember when Ion said that they hear our feedback…please bring a lot of QoL changes to legacy content.


Should it really be that easy to infinitely farm a prestigious mount? I think not. The skip was never there before and it’d diminish the efforts of players who got the mount already.

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I already got the mount, clearing all the raid it’s a boring experience…0 fun gameplay. Devs should improve these grinds that doesn’t have good replayability. That’s my opinion and Devs know this is a frustrating experience.


Who cares about the mount, it’s all about those garrosh shoulders.


I understand the frustration, but it would not be cool to make it infinitely easier to obtain something that others had to spend hours, days, months or even years to get their mount chance.

The only ‘prestigious’ mount from SoO hasn’t been obtainable in years.

So nah, put the skip in.

If that were the case then nobody would need a skip. Save a heroic lockout on an alt and have fun.

Same happened with the MoP WBs…that’s the issue with a game that had a bad design for legacy content or bad grinds… same happened with Mechadone that I completed before 9.1.5 fixes…I’ll take those changes as a change on their philosophies that will provide a better game and a win for the community, because I suffer, it doesn’t mean that I want others to suffer the same awful design.

And I’m looking for these changes even when I’ve these cosmetics:

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NGL I am more upset about the haul in that place to farm the shoulders. I saw them once on a certain leather wearing class when I was fishing for the staff and have since been unhappy but accepted that I will probably never see them again

Christ the humanbeak clone troll army is getting old


Do it

I got my shoulders already, I see no reason to cry if other people can get them as well

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Clear up to Heroic garrosh on an alt and just use their lockout to farm the shoulders if that’s all you’re after.

I’m still after the Dark Shaman stuff :expressionless:

Clear up to the Dark Shamans on an alt and use their lockout to farm the Dark Shaman stuff.

Using alt lockouts takes care of everything except for the mount, which should be obtained the way it always has been.

How, pray tell, ohh mighty Hummus am I supposed to do that on a singular account?
I can’t form a raid or party with my own characters ipso facto I cannot use their lockout.

Yeah but times change, old man.

Get with the times or be left behind.

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If that was the intention from Devs, the Sha will spawn on random locations today…Some changes are good :slight_smile:


Would it make those players mad to know i walked in on my 1st clear and got the mount instantly? Who cares about prestige on a mount that is farmable. Heck i got all the mage tower weapon appearances and i still think those should’ve been brought back.


Oh yes, got to pander to the, “I went through hell and high water to obtain this rare mount, so everyone else should be just as miserable as I am” crowd.

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Those were prestigious limited-time items. They need to stay locked away.