Siege of Orgrimmar not working?!

Is there a reason you can’t kill He Softfoot?

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Yeah that happened to me too. I tried killing them instantly and it still didn’t work. They all end up going into their downtime phase with the adds but never come back from it. Sometimes it’s just 1 sometimes it’s all 3. Best you can do is report it over at the bug forum and in game.

There’s a whole thread that was created six days ago… it’s like blizzard doesn’t want people progressing too fast so they bug it… once you’re in there’s no way out, you can’t run out anywhere as a priest, and it’s all just ridiculous

that was a big reason i stayed sub to farm that for tusk and mount.

It’s just a bug, there’s no need to get your knickers in a bunch.

For whatever reason, when bosses go into their add phase, they only spawn one, when some of them are supposed to spawn more. That means the bosses that would’ve spawned more, don’t go out of their add phase (because enough adds haven’t been defeated) and therefore you can’t end the fight.

Sometimes this happens. It’s not the end of the world.


Lol yeah well the only way out is to let he softfoot kill me in like 10 minutes cause he’s so weak! My hearth is in sw, so not worth living

Its a bug that blizzard has not addressed, and there is already a large thread on it in the bug forums

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you can reset fight by jumping on the cliff


Buddy of mine said it is currently glitched. One of the pandas won’t die.

I suppose since they are on the endangered species list it may be for the best.


Lol I can’t reset because I am unable to leave the arena… and it is the end of the world !

Edit . 1 not only is that glitched, but the part where a door opens in the big blossom excavation and a monster comes out? Yeah, that door is closed again…

Are they getting it ready for SoO 2: The End of Sylvanas?

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They Better not be ripping us off of what we paid for…

Just so we’re clear… you believe that the devs purposefully broke a boss fight in a nearly 6-year-old raid to… to stop player progression in old content?



Yup you are right

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Usually by the second time it doesn’t happen again. Rarely will I have to get this fight to reset twice in a row.



Report it as a bug and move on.

As for not being able to get away… damage him enough so he goes into the healing channel. While he’s channeling that, you’ll have enough time to hearth out.


Its not even He Softfoot’s fault, its the other two (its a bug and not a conspiracy)

It’s been reported in the bug forums. Raid is impossible to complete most of the time now.

Unfortunately this is one of Blizzard’s weaknesses, and that is addressing a lot of past expansion bugs.

Maybe they have some ranking of importance or just love bugs.

BFA has been full of them!

All you can do is what you and some other people currently do… report the bug, and try to maybe tweet them or bring it up on the forums. Hope for the best even if that doesn’t do anything.

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Ok, yea… this is a new type of broken. On my 4th try now with only He Softfood spawning his adds.