Siege of Orgrimmar not working?!

What’s even more interesting is not only do they not communicate with us, but my post from earlier regarding how to get rid of toxic people and trolls was removed. I laid out a simple post, subsequently was trolled, and I showed everybody exactly how not to lose my cool. I was respectful, when I should have been yelling at all the stupid people… amazing how control is all people can think about regarding who removes what content. Why, that’s kind of what myidea was about! Lol. Give control to the poster to remove negative and unwanted troll comments. Yeah, if that was deleted, then I’m sure they are guilty of rigging the game.

I have ran into this problem as well.

I tried letting it hard reset and nothing. Blizzard makes these bugs to prevent people from progressing, in my opinion. It’s their way of sticking it to people who grind through their tiny expansion packages. I think because they’ve had the game for almost two decades, how hard can it be to maintain what was already created? They can’t all be lazy, right? With all the money they make and charge us for a game that they don’t maintain??

Acan you still get the heirloom axe?

And I see you made a new thread on the same topic. That…was not a good idea. A friendly word of advice: you might want to review the forum code of conduct, and the terms of use.

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Perhaps you should reflect a bit on why that was.


Not sure why everyone in the same group keeps trolling me and harassing me.




Why did you just comment on three of my posts at once…

Because they can.


And why are you now trolling me ?

I reset it 7 - I counted - times on my rogue (thank you, Vanish) before I did some weird creative kill style someone suggested before it worked and I was able to get past them. Couldn’t loot them, but the mailbox had it ready. I then proceeded to not try it on any other character because no thank you.

No chance you did anything special, that you can recall? We’ve mostly figured out what the issue is, but avoiding it/working around it, is a puzzle still being worked on.

Not trollin just kindly answering your question. On why the person was posting in your threads. But you do you. It’s funny.

Seriously you should look up what trolling is cause your doing it better than the people you claim are.

The person gave you a link to report bug like your other thread. So there is no wrong doing in that or posting in any or all your threads. This is a public place. :slight_smile:

No, turns out my issue is an entirely different issue than the OP’s. I’ve always had an issue here and there with this encounter resetting but I tried a couple days ago I’m encountering this He Softfoot problem as well with the other two never standing up.

Frustrating as. Did my duty and submitted a report (detailed as I could be with what I could see/replicate). Guess all we can do now is wait, but I’m glad to see the issue is becoming more widely known. Maybe that’ll get it an express ticket? Trying to stay optimistic, lol.

Not trolling. /shrugs/

If you run into a bug you should report it or go to the bug forums not GD. Just my advice to you. Otherwise people will think your just spamming about bugs here with all the thread you make on bugs. If you have a problem again go to those forums. Everyone here answer/talked about your problem. With the panda. I responded to your why was another posting in both your bug threads. They did the correct thing and gave you a link to help blizz know. As they have every right. /shrugs/

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Yea, I reported it to and seems that it has a decent sized thread on the bugs forum so guess I’ll farm invincible instead for awhile.

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hey, pointing out the proper way to submit bug reports is absolutely on topic and being helpful


Well I searched Siege of Orgrimmar on the bugs forum and there’s a lot of people experiencing the same issue as you. Someone posted a work around on this thread but I haven’t had a chance to try it out (and probably won’t… like I said, I’ll just switch to farming Invincible until this is resolved).

What do you mean by farming invincible? And yeah I’ve done everything I can. Reset the instance, tried every difficulty, done it in parties, and nothing seems to work.