Siege of Orgrimmar exit portal not working

Still broken, and it’s definitely not limited to small races; walked into mythic on my tauren, wanted normal so I tried to leave. Didn’t work, had to do the “force graveyeard teleport via making and leaving group” loophole. In light of recent sh*t, odds are this will never get fixed since even new content production has effectively been halted.

Just an update cause it just happened… But still not fixed :man_shrugging:t2:

Still happening

Just happened to me

still happening

Still an issue. ^^

Can confirm this is still an issue on my shaman. Heroic SoO.

Still broken, how embarassing for Blizzard.

You can get out by creating a custom group in group finder, and then using ‘leave group’ - it’ll tell you you’re not in this instance’s group and you’ll get teleported to the graveyard just outside after a minute.


Still an issue. Please fix

Yup still an issue UGH

Still not working

Not workingggg

Still broken™

You’ve got to be kidding me

bump still broken
tryed zoning out to vendor stuff i vant

happened to me

Not working, portal is effed up. I can’t believe you still have not fixed this issue in Pride Month 2022!!

Its still happening

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This bug is still happening. The bug only occurs on characters who did not unlock N’Zoth assaults in patch 8.3. It is related to the fact that patch 8.3 introduced a new version of Vale of Eternal Blossoms, which you cannot access unless you unlocked it via the quest chain detailed here:

The exit portal in Siege of Orgrimmar is set to send our characters to the NEW Vale of Eternal Blossoms but it cannot if we have not unlocked it on our alts.

Please assist Blizzard. @Arkros


Still broken because Blizzard doesn’t support issues that affect less than 20% of users.