Siege of Boralus being in the m+ pool is definitive proof of how insanely out of touch they are

Get good. 10 char min

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You’d be one of the idiots the OP described in their post that would vote kick a caster DPS for “low DPS” when they were forced to constantly kite the boss and get yanked by mobs every other second.

As someone who has healed and been DPS in normal and heroic raids, I can tell you for certain which type of DPS it is that is more likely to sit in mechanics and die unnecessarily and it’s not ranged/casters.

Yeah I play both, you’re severely out of touch.

Queue the Halondrus ranged vs melee video.

Ranged becomes meta for a reason every season; it’s safer and easier to do your damage from that safety without disruption/uptime loss; learning the timings of swirlies will typically allow you to finish a cast > move > cast, but if you panic halfway through a cast to dodge a 2s swirly, you’re gonna do bad…and that’s a skill issue, not a design issue.

They literally re-designed the last mists boss to make melees lives miserable, and you’re complaining about ranged struggles. Just laughter.


while i definitely agree this dungeon sucks, and my eyes rolled out of my head when i saw it chosen for the pool,… i think ppl are sleeping on how horrible stonevault is. The 2nd/3rd boss with the crystals u kill and kill the shield? is a nightmare becuz u can so easily just die if u get lucky crits on another crystal or cleave and u just die. the burst plus dot is crazy. i feel like im walking on glass the entire time with that boss.

Exactly. The casual crowd is leaking into the m+ crowd and they hate the fact its actually challenging. Everyone just wants to do +10s easily and complain when content is hard. Wish they would all stick to delves

Get good kid. Excuses aren’t gonna win you anything!

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LOL same thing here. And he seems to love the casters first. I get pulled to him 2 or 3 times before I get behind a bomb. That should not be happening so often and from such great distance.

if the boss instead targeted melee, he would probably instagib them the moment they began since they are so close, and many melees would have completely zero damage output during that phase even if they could get away without dying.

I’ll give the new dungeons a pass because it’s “new” and people are still figuring out things. Gear and experience will fix it.

But Siege of Boralus was never liked from since Jesus was a kid.

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Now try to heal it.

Siege is dope and one of the easier ones tbh (healer here)

Most of it is fine, but that last boss holy heck why does the double-DoT chunk so hard. Not only does its application deal 80-90% of one’s health on high keys on top of the DoT it also always overlaps with the tentacle slams. Not sure how you’re supposed to do this fight without 2 healers to dispel. If it was only a big DoT it’d be fine and manageable but the fact that the first dot tick is lethal without a god-healer makes it unfair.

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This isn’t exactly the case.

Siege of Boralus is annoying and horrible because it has multiple cases of terrible mechanic overlap.

2nd boss with massive ground cover of swirlies and the add phase when he does the frontal, there’s been multiple times where me or a teammate has been left with literally nowhere to move to and get gibbed. The duo pack of the Ashvane Commander and the Irontide Raider where the Ashvane Commander targets someone with the circle, and the irontide raider pulls everyone in - and pulls the person with the circle in and wipes the group. And this is just off the top of my head.

Don’t tell me this is a difficulty issue - it’s a terrible design issue. Not to mention the current affixes are so utterly awful with the bosses in their too with how they need to be positioned.

Still can’t believe they brought this god-awful Dungeon back in the pool this season. Who the hell was even asking for this.

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Just like when they brought back Halls of Valor for season 1 DF. Absolutely zero people were interested in that slogfest and doing it again.

it is not a skill issue, it is not a challenge.
No, we are not expecting to blow things up, as we are not a member of liquid.
stop blaming and pointing people because of their ideas.
you are worse than blizzard.
M+ is currently way overtuned, and no matter how good you are, no matter how your logs are good it doesn’t matter, you wait 15 mins to 2 hours to get a group going on. and one small mistake can tumble down the entire run. This desing is stupid.

But outside of LFR, there’s always someone not good enough.

Why should the dungeons be lowered to wherever you want them to other than that’s your personal comfort zone or that you’re just good enough so forget everyone else?

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The dungeons are just unfun, No one is arguing that they can’t be cleared.

I remember you, you were a legit troll. gtfo

It’s a genuine question. Can you not answer it?

you are a troll, period.
usually, your question is not worth to answer.
Ok, I will bite it. You can go up to 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, heck even 20 right? you want a godly challenge, just do that. We are not playing dark souls here.
And you haven’t seen me in action, so your stupid assumptions are just invalid.