Siege is horrible. Mists is horrible. Not really a fan of city of echoes either.
Not sure who picked those. I like Necrotic Wake though.
Siege is horrible. Mists is horrible. Not really a fan of city of echoes either.
Not sure who picked those. I like Necrotic Wake though.
Almost like mythic+ using old dungeons was a bad idea to begin with, even before going out of its way to pick especially horrible old dungeons. Going into the matter further, it wouldn’t be so much a problem if every dungeon past WoD wasn’t awful.
When you’re the only ranged, you sometimes sit below the tank dps.
Luckily, this is a Rain of Fire meme lock for that dungeon from normal to M+
Yup for some strange reason the devs decided to update mechanics on some of these dungeons due to how fast some of the specs are now and completely forgot they forced other specs to cast with no updates on how those specs function on a game with even more stop cast/move mechanics.
pulls thick curtain over Dawnbreaker
Typical zug melee.
Blizzard give melee a free pass in most content, they only seem to know how to make mechanics ranged has to deal with.
254 different types of swirlies, lazer beams, breaths, void zones and circles of death. Seriously, I don’t think Blizzard know how to design encounters anymore that don’t include some sort of swirly.
Meanwhile in the very few cases melee have to move, they just sidestep without breaking their zug rotation.
agreed, its one of the worst designed dungeons
Don’t forget things like starfall and convoke the spirits pulling a bunch of extra stuff (but at least it isnt the ~entire instance like when you would use that in Tol’Dagor)
You literally need to move out like 5 yds to avoid the whirlwind. You choosing to move back to max range is your own bad decision.
This have never happened during M0 spamming or when I ran M+. The tank also has the option to pull the packs away from the boss.
You don’t have to stand face to face with the pole. You just need the pole between you and the wave.
Then position yourself better? So you don’t get knocked off?
Beyond the last boss feeling like just a DPS race I like Boralus c:
I don’t like most/any of the BFA dungeons. They all feel unnecessarily complicated and some of them have atrocious camera pathing.
Boralus is pretty meh except for that last boss. If you get out of position and he knocks you into a wonky part of the water it feels like you have to fight the game engine to get out sometimes.
That sucks you got kicked for avoiding the first boss’s fixate tho. Should have popped shield totem, astral and earth ele to face tank it I guess.
Paying 60 bucks to play old content we already did a million times over. Modern WoW in a nutshell.
I feel like there’s a plethora of good dungeons in thos game, no idea why they chose siege.
Its not a very enjoyable dungeon as a whole.
did it today and bricked a +2, mostly because the group didn’t remember much of the dungeon. i will say that there are a lot of swirlies and the biggest issue is short races swimming on 3rd boss. like why is that still a thing? LOL
Worst Dungeon to ever be in the Mythic+ rotation for a caster and it’s not even close.
If you really think about it, even combat is the same as back in Vanilla lol. A lot has changed, but the combat is still relatively similar.
You’re still smacking enemies and waiting for cooldowns so you can smack them again until dead.
Almost every combat encounter is the same for the most part, just much, much faster than back then.
It’s just the “DNA” of the game. Probably won’t ever change too much.
Except for all the times when melee has to move away from a target, and thus almost completely stop doing damage because their abilities aren’t ranged. Casters have a lot more flexibility than melee do when it comes to positioning while still being able to use their abilities.
i don’t have any issue with seige, but the first season should be all the new dungeons imo
The changes made to the third boss and the overlaps that happen are the worst part of this dungeon. The timings are way to tight on the waves if you are tanking and need to get in position behind the pillar.
With this line of thought, Blizzard should stop making new content.