Sidereal currency

Sorry but the preposition for is defined as going towards someone or something. As in sidreal essence can be used for or towards the purchase of hm gear. No offense but is simple grammar you learn in school, and if you parse the sentence you will see that im absolutely right. Its not ambiguous at all, your just illiterate.

Complaining about being able to buy trader tender is pointless amd is just trying to profit off of the negative light Activision Blizzard is in. There are other things much more important than being able to buy cosmetics that you could point to Activision Blizzard and shame them for which there are plenty.

No one cares that people can buy recolored skins of existing items.

Sidereal Essence is just something you earn from titan rune alpha dungeons that can be traded in for HM items. So far Blizzard hasnt allowed for the purchase of power outright.

it’s hilarious that you’re pretending to be smart by being wrong

[This vendor] will exchange [items from Ulduar 10-player Hard Mode] for [a new Sidereal Essence currency].

[This vendor] will exchange X for Y



noun: exchange; plural noun: exchanges

  1. an act of giving one thing and receiving another (especially of the same type or value) in return

Seems pretty clear to me, and it feels like you’re reaching, but I’ve been places where they use prepositions differently from what I’m accustomed to, so I suppose it’s possible you’re reading a different meaning than is intended.

Although this wording could be a little better, I tend to agree… at least with regards to Standard American English.

I mean, that seems like it confirms that wording to be correct to me. The vendor is exchanging loot for currency. The player is exchanging currency for loot. Right? English is a weird language sometimes.

Maybe this would be incorrectly worded and should have video games and in-store credit swapped.

Presently; and how long will it be until Activision starts selling the currency?

The thing is, is that the sentence works either way with how people speak.

[Gamestop] will exchange [video games] for [in-store credit].
[Gamestop] will exchange [your video games] for [their in-store credit].
[Gamestop] will exchange [their video games] for [your in-store credit].

I think both interpretations of those sentences are correct. Take that claim with a grain of salt because I’m not an English major and I am illiterate.

I read it this way too, before it was live on the PTR. Considering sunwell had a trade an item in for another item mechanic it seemed to be a believable interpretation.

Except exchange is a verb in the statement.

That’s so different… what you’re talking about here would have resulted in people hoarding unused and unusable HM pieces to turn in for mass currency when it released.

Like, I get how you could maybe think that on a first reading, but any deeper thought about it at all should have told you that wasn’t happening.

I’d love to see someone bring 2 pizzas hoping to exchange them for $20 to a pizzeria that has a sign, “2 pizza’s for $20.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Why would they? There is no history of them selling power. Believe it or not Blizzard devs want you to go through the content they created. There are other things much more pressing than this fearmonger doom pill nonsense.

So gamestop is exchanging video games for in store credit? Why would gamestop trade their games for credit in their store? When will they do this? How you word something in english and the syntax, or ,grammatical structure of a sentence, determines its meaning. Its not a matter of litteracy but rather comprehension skills, which many seem to lack in the forums. Ironic that players are obsessed with raid parsing yet fail miserably at parsing a 3rd grade level sentence.

Y’all being hella weird.

Activision does not care about what the game devs want or intend.

Activision only cares about money.

Gold Token (wow token) can literally buy you anything in WoW, so yeah they have a history of selling power. Even if its indirectly.

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I resemble that remark! Welcome to the grammar wars.

Yeah first read on that spawned a discussion on our guild discord about who we’d shovel all of the garbage hm drops to for currency. People interpreted it both ways and we were all skeptical so it didn’t really pass the smell test.

OK, go buy the best gear then without doing the content because thats what buying power is.

Buy tokens, use tokens to buy carries; the only real difference is obfuscation in the illusion that you can not buy power.

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Great job at failing at what was asked.