Sick of the Layering posts, Actiblizz? Get rid of it

Sometimes people take time off at certain times of the year when the beach or the camping spot isn’t peak.
I’m not saying taking time off for video games is bad, I’m taking time off for classic.

But if you want to take time off and avoid queues, take the 29th off, not the 27th, take your time off a few days after when it will be settled, no one told you to take the 27th off, see we don’t need layering, we need people with brains.

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If layering was only for queues you’d be right. Unfortunately it’s not that’s just a side effect it brings.

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Blizzard wants to have a smooth, successful launch of Classic, giving all the players who want to experience the game the ability to do so. They also want to ensure that the expected population decline a few weeks or a month into Classic doesn’t leave realms in population death spirals.

The main problem with the anti-layering threads is that most of them simply complain that they don’t want layering, list the reasons why they don’t want layering, but utterly fail to propose alternatives that address those two concerns.

If the implementation of your suggestions would only succeed in achieving your goals and fails to achieve Blizzard’s goals of smooth, successful launch and avoidance of dead realms, then it should come as no surprise that your complaints are binned.


#fakenews. a small minority is upset. you wouldn’t need to spam the forums if everyone agreed with you.


Not only these points but think about the classic project itself and how it’s viewed as a project. I can bet that the total budget for the classic project is a fraction of modern wow. They only have so much wiggle room when it comes to funds allocated to the project. Throwing servers at classic is not viable. Layering solves the need for more servers.
Layering solves congestion issues
Layering solves quest item/mobs issues.

On the downside, layering causes undesirable issues.
Makes playing with friends outside of a group difficult
Feels like sharding
Might be kept enabled on servers far longer than necessary.

You understand that layering is by the entire continent, right? The only people disappearing in front of you are people who joined a group with a friend… Which from your perspective looks 100% the same as logging out. The world is still going to be seamless, because blizzard still uses portals between zones. And layering is existing in part to handle a way bigger population cap than what was originally in the game. You’re going to have so many people around that you’re not going to notice that Hammertime the paladin isn’t around you to see him.


That is not how modern severs work. The cost isn’t the issue here.

No, the long-term population is.


Yep - that is what they say.

It’s not tho.

Gone with the Layer
Three Men and A Layer
The Wizard of Layers
Nightmare on Layer Street
Layer Fiction


Ready Layer One


Men in layers

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So they ditch layering, massive queues occur on launch day (and many after that). Anyone who’s not a “true fan” of WoW quits and unsubs, while the “true fans” ride off into the sunset and enjoy the game once they get beyond the hours long queue. A small number of people are happier and Blizz loses out on a ton of potential subs. What a great business strategy!


Waiting in queue was part of the Classic experience.

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The devs have stated right from the get-go that they don’t want to recreate the launch experience.

We’re also likely going to see several times the 200k people that showed up in 2004.


Layering does that.


Nah. It’s the people who aren’t fear mongers and realize the difference between the sky falling and an itchy mosquito bite.


Also, for the record, there are zero “pro layering” people. No is counting down the days to Classic thinking “oh man, I can’t wait for layering it’s gonna be awesome!!!”.

What there are a lot of is people who recognize that there are some serious potential problems with Classic and layering is the best solution we have. Maybe if the anti-layering crowd had spent all their energy thinking about alternative solutions instead of creating spam threads and chanting #NoChanges they could have thought of something better.

Pity for you, it is far too late now. Layering is happening. If you begin the five stages of grief now, you should be ready to go by classic release.


They don’t need to post on the forums to ask for something that they are already getting.

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