Shyness, anxiety, depression, toxic community

Well, I just caught up inviting everyone that was missed. Lemme know if I missed you.

We've had tremendous growth since I posted this and we are still looking for a few brave souls. Anyone who wants to play with nice, relaxed and friendly people is welcomed.

Leave your info in this thread or contact me directly, I'll get to everyone either way.

Have a great day,


btag: Worgbane#1877
Discord: Worgbane#9655
Things I miss about WoW:

* Guild members saying hello when you log in and good night/day before you log out.

* Asking for help in guild chat with a tough quest, elite, or something else difficult to solo -- and actually getting kind responses where people offer advice or even drop what they're doing to come help you.
* Similarly, seeing a request for help in guild chat, dropping what I was doing and coming to someone's aid. What a cool feeling!

* Contributing crafted gear, potions, glyphs, gems, etc. to guild members at no cost -- just because you wanted to help them out.
* Similarly, even if you didn't have time, skill, or desire to raid, contributing items to raiders in your guild and rejoicing with them when they downed a tough boss or eventually beat the raid -- because you know you contributed your little part to their success.

* Camping a rare pet spawn point, not because you're a hunter, but because your guildmate is and they've been trying for weeks to tame that rare. Rejoicing with them when they finally got their new favorite pet, whether you found it or someone else did.

* Joining with a small group of guildmates who were tolerant of your mediocre gameplay to run a 5-man. Maybe you even wiped a time or two, but it was OK because you were doing it for fun and at a reasonable pace. Nobody blamed anyone for the wipes, and when advice was given it was in a friendly tone. Everyone rejoiced together when someone got an upgrade from one of the bosses. Even if you didn't get the upgrade that run, you knew your guildmates would run it again another day until you did.

* /hug, /highfive, /silly, /smile, and many other kindhearted, friendly emotes with your guildmates that seem to be forgotten in the fast-paced, LFG/LFR, gogogogogogogogogogo, get loot, disconnect-from-group-as-fast-as-possible-don't-you-dare-say-good-run-or-thank-you world we now live in.

* Switching to your <tank/healer/dps> alt to run with your guildmates because that's what they happened to need that particular dungeon run.

* Friendly banter in guild chat that could be about the game or possibly many other fun subjects. Just because.

* I could probably go on for ages. Reading this thread, it almost seems some of these things could apply to some of you... Dare I hope...?

About me: All of my RL and in-game friends rarely or never play anymore. My WoW cycle looks something like this: a) play for a while to accomplish goals -- often collecting pets or transmog gear, knocking out achievements; b) eventually realize I'm solo'ing an MMO, which feels very silly. And lonely; c) long for the good ol' days, but realize that's not gonna happen; d) un-sub for a while, play some other actual single-player games, realize those cool moments would be so much cooler if you could share them with a buddy; e) re-sub to WoW in the hopes I can find a group I can share experiences with; f) go back to 'a' and repeat ad nauseum.

I'm currently at stage d-e, i.e., un-subbed but now thinking about coming back. That's what led me to this thread. Worgbane, thanks for posting and for getting this group going. I'll PM you and look for the group on Discord.

11/06/2017 11:11 PMPosted by Aenigma
I'm currently at stage d-e, i.e., un-subbed but now thinking about coming back. That's what led me to this thread. Worgbane, thanks for posting and for getting this group going. I'll PM you and look for the group on Discord.


I believe you need a hug. *hugs*
Come tag a long with us, whatever your subscription status or guild status. Just for friendly chat of the greatness of wow and well socialize with each others. I am your resident cat-dog that is crazy and newbie.
Would love to have others to play with since all my friends have stopped playing.
BT: tntskyhigh#1817
11/06/2017 11:11 PMPosted by Aenigma
Things I miss about WoW:

* Guild members saying hello when you log in and good night/day before you log out.

* Asking for help in guild chat with a tough quest, elite, or something else difficult to solo -- and actually getting kind responses where people offer advice or even drop what they're doing to come help you.
* Similarly, seeing a request for help in guild chat, dropping what I was doing and coming to someone's aid. What a cool feeling!

* Contributing crafted gear, potions, glyphs, gems, etc. to guild members at no cost -- just because you wanted to help them out.
* Similarly, even if you didn't have time, skill, or desire to raid, contributing items to raiders in your guild and rejoicing with them when they downed a tough boss or eventually beat the raid -- because you know you contributed your little part to their success.

* Camping a rare pet spawn point, not because you're a hunter, but because your guildmate is and they've been trying for weeks to tame that rare. Rejoicing with them when they finally got their new favorite pet, whether you found it or someone else did.

* Joining with a small group of guildmates who were tolerant of your mediocre gameplay to run a 5-man. Maybe you even wiped a time or two, but it was OK because you were doing it for fun and at a reasonable pace. Nobody blamed anyone for the wipes, and when advice was given it was in a friendly tone. Everyone rejoiced together when someone got an upgrade from one of the bosses. Even if you didn't get the upgrade that run, you knew your guildmates would run it again another day until you did.

* /hug, /highfive, /silly, /smile, and many other kindhearted, friendly emotes with your guildmates that seem to be forgotten in the fast-paced, LFG/LFR, gogogogogogogogogogo, get loot, disconnect-from-group-as-fast-as-possible-don't-you-dare-say-good-run-or-thank-you world we now live in.

* Switching to your <tank/healer/dps> alt to run with your guildmates because that's what they happened to need that particular dungeon run.

* Friendly banter in guild chat that could be about the game or possibly many other fun subjects. Just because.

* I could probably go on for ages. Reading this thread, it almost seems some of these things could apply to some of you... Dare I hope...?

About me: All of my RL and in-game friends rarely or never play anymore. My WoW cycle looks something like this: a) play for a while to accomplish goals -- often collecting pets or transmog gear, knocking out achievements; b) eventually realize I'm solo'ing an MMO, which feels very silly. And lonely; c) long for the good ol' days, but realize that's not gonna happen; d) un-sub for a while, play some other actual single-player games, realize those cool moments would be so much cooler if you could share them with a buddy; e) re-sub to WoW in the hopes I can find a group I can share experiences with; f) go back to 'a' and repeat ad nauseum.

I'm currently at stage d-e, i.e., un-subbed but now thinking about coming back. That's what led me to this thread. Worgbane, thanks for posting and for getting this group going. I'll PM you and look for the group on Discord.


@ Aen - This right here is what I miss and would LOVE to find again.

When I was playing back in WOTLK, I was in an amazing guild just like this. It was casual, but we did raid and run dungeons regularly. Helping guild mates to get geared so ALL of us would eventually be on the same level.

I have already posted here as Elleyax, I'm posting now on my DH. I too am in need of some help with dungeon quests. I am always willing to help others whenever I can.
I have tried Dungeon Finder, but no one seems to be running that content anymore, and honestly, I don't like random groups..especially since I haven't played in like 7 yrs and don't really know what I'm doing lol! My DH is running as Vengeance ONLY because that seems to be the only way I can survive alone, but I'd much rather a dps role.

All my toons are Alli, and I'm on Misha. Anyone feel free to add me Moonsyn#11490. I hope to be able to play with you guys <3
Would love to check this out, just started playing a few months ago and trying to get back into everything. Zozu#174
Discord: Zozu#6423
I'm looking to come back after a bunch of failed attempts. After attending Blizzcon I'm feeling more inspired to make it work!

BT: Trygve#1526
Discord: Trygve#3317
@Argenrazkin - *hugs* backatcha! :)

@Tempesttmoon - I'm glad that resonated with someone else. Like Worgbane and others on this thread, it feels like that situation resonates with the "silent majority" of players, or at least many, many of us. We just need to be able to find each other! :) So kudos again to Worgbane and those of you try to assemble us back together. 8)
11/07/2017 10:10 AMPosted by Aenigma

@Tempesttmoon - I'm glad that resonated with someone else. Like Worgbane and others on this thread, it feels like that situation resonates with the "silent majority" of players, or at least many, many of us. We just need to be able to find each other! :) So kudos again to Worgbane and those of you try to assemble us back together. 8)

Well, hopefully you'll decide to come back ;p

If/when you do, please don't hesitate to add me to friends/Btag. Would be great to have some ppl I can play IS getting lonely out there lol!
Starting to come back! Looking for people to casually play and chat with and maybe help me understand pvp. Something I never really got into but would love to give it a try.

Bnet Storm22809#1623
Discord MedicStorm#6291
11/06/2017 11:11 PMPosted by Aenigma
Things I miss about WoW:

* Guild members saying hello when you log in and good night/day before you log out.

* Asking for help in guild chat with a tough quest, elite, or something else difficult to solo -- and actually getting kind responses where people offer advice or even drop what they're doing to come help you.
* Similarly, seeing a request for help in guild chat, dropping what I was doing and coming to someone's aid. What a cool feeling!

* Contributing crafted gear, potions, glyphs, gems, etc. to guild members at no cost -- just because you wanted to help them out.
* Similarly, even if you didn't have time, skill, or desire to raid, contributing items to raiders in your guild and rejoicing with them when they downed a tough boss or eventually beat the raid -- because you know you contributed your little part to their success.

* Camping a rare pet spawn point, not because you're a hunter, but because your guildmate is and they've been trying for weeks to tame that rare. Rejoicing with them when they finally got their new favorite pet, whether you found it or someone else did.

* Joining with a small group of guildmates who were tolerant of your mediocre gameplay to run a 5-man. Maybe you even wiped a time or two, but it was OK because you were doing it for fun and at a reasonable pace. Nobody blamed anyone for the wipes, and when advice was given it was in a friendly tone. Everyone rejoiced together when someone got an upgrade from one of the bosses. Even if you didn't get the upgrade that run, you knew your guildmates would run it again another day until you did.

* /hug, /highfive, /silly, /smile, and many other kindhearted, friendly emotes with your guildmates that seem to be forgotten in the fast-paced, LFG/LFR, gogogogogogogogogogo, get loot, disconnect-from-group-as-fast-as-possible-don't-you-dare-say-good-run-or-thank-you world we now live in.

* Switching to your <tank/healer/dps> alt to run with your guildmates because that's what they happened to need that particular dungeon run.

* Friendly banter in guild chat that could be about the game or possibly many other fun subjects. Just because.

* I could probably go on for ages. Reading this thread, it almost seems some of these things could apply to some of you... Dare I hope...?

About me: All of my RL and in-game friends rarely or never play anymore. My WoW cycle looks something like this: a) play for a while to accomplish goals -- often collecting pets or transmog gear, knocking out achievements; b) eventually realize I'm solo'ing an MMO, which feels very silly. And lonely; c) long for the good ol' days, but realize that's not gonna happen; d) un-sub for a while, play some other actual single-player games, realize those cool moments would be so much cooler if you could share them with a buddy; e) re-sub to WoW in the hopes I can find a group I can share experiences with; f) go back to 'a' and repeat ad nauseum.

I'm currently at stage d-e, i.e., un-subbed but now thinking about coming back. That's what led me to this thread. Worgbane, thanks for posting and for getting this group going. I'll PM you and look for the group on Discord.


We'd love to have you onboard. I love your post. It expresses so well how so many of us feel. Like it so much, I linked it in general chat in our community so that members could see it.

If anyone else feel that way, maybe you could give us a try.

Have a great day everyone,


btag: Worgbane#1877
Discord: Worgbane#9655
This sounds like the community that I have been looking for! I stopped raiding in the middle of MoP due to real life, and eventually had to take a break from playing all together. Since then, I've tried to play several times, but could never get that feeling of belonging. I've joined a variety of guilds on Horde, Alliance, and multiple servers and just never found a good fit.

Currently, I find myself attempting to PvP more than anything else, just solo random bg queues. I would really like to try my hand at arenas (haven't even stepped foot into a rated arena since WotLK), and maybe even RBGs. My biggest issue is just not having anyone to play with. (I don't even care about rating!)

I would totally be down to run dungeons, try some raids, or anything really. I'm honestly just tired of playing solo. Each time I've left, it has never been due to a lack of interest in playing, but rather a lack of having people to play with.

I just recently decided to try it again, and I started looking for a group of people to play with.

Bnet: Caar#1991
Discord: Caar#6793
Thank you for this! There's already so much folks have already said; I played a little but not a lot, had been in a pretty good guild and gotten some raid and group dungeon experience, but wasn't really happy with the LFR experience. I've stopped and started play so I always feel behind and undergeared. I like the new feature for the World encounters that lets you find a premade group, but still feel anxious every time - and I keep finding that these groups are in speed-run mode, so I'm dragged as fast as possible from boss to boss and constantly worry that if I'm on a quest that needs a *thing* we're gonna blow by it.
I've spent a lot of time recently in a really quiet, shelter guild on Shadowsong, with a high rep but very few members (90% alts just cruisin' after getting it up to 25). I recently moved my main to a more active guild on Bronzebeard because I missed the social aspect, the greetings and group "hey lets do this" energy.
I've got Discord, just haven't been in a non-witchy or game related chat in a long time, so I'll need to look up my handle (p. sure it's WyeVxndzz but not sure of the number tag.)
See you around!

WyeVxndzz#1689 BT
Wye#6393 Discord
I'd love an invite to the DC/Bnet. I'm very casual and need like minded people!

Bnet: MaliceMage#1270
Discord: MaliceMage#4315
Please, count me in as interested. (^_^)

BattleTag: Wanderhoof#1332

Looking to re-sub and start fresh (Hell, even level with no looms etc) on a new server also.. Hate the ganking on ED anymore with how OWPVP is.

Btag: Wolf#12561
Discord: Wolf#1114
(Any suggestions on a guild or server would be great too! Want to start fresh with friendly likeminded people)
This is exactly what I've been looking for!!!!

Father of 2 children and a service member, so Im prolly only going to be able to play casually and all, but I really want to make Wow a part of my life and make some life-long friends along the way

I'm a pretty cool and nice guy (so I'm told) but pretty introverted until we become friends. So feel free to add me for WoW, Overwatch, HoTS or to just conversate about simple things, Im definitely open to differing opinions in many things as wellso Im usually friends with anyone.

Like Ulruth, I would also like a server suggestion to start a new character on and maybe a guild invite :)

BTAG: Rashoumon#1868
Worgbane has been watching this thread and adding folks to the Discord server. (He's been working overtime. Give that guy a pay raise! :D )

There's a pinned message on the Discord server saying folks are playing on Area 52 Horde side and Stormrage Alliance side. Worgbane has also been bouncing back and forth today sending guild invites on both servers.

Hope we find even more of the "relatively quiet but fun folks"!! :D
Lots of good peeps in the Discord. :)
Well I look forward to getting an invite to Discord!

Though, I gotta ask, is there any RP on Stormrage? Annoyed with WPVP in general on ED and would like open, random RP.