Shyness, anxiety, depression, toxic community

I’m so behind I was attempting to reply to the same post that was on the old forums only to find it was read-only. I was scrolling the forums while waiting for the servers to come back up from maintenance and I can’t believe how much I agree with this post.

I’m 23 and on top of moving to a new state last year (Colorado) and having no one here that I know still, I get on WoW for an escape from work and again the loneliness creeps in. I remember when I was a lot younger it seemed so much easier to make friends in game but something has happened over the years… or maybe we’re just all getting older haha.

I have sent you a discord friend request and would really appreciate an invite.
Btag - carley#1752
Discord - carleyburr#7799


You wouldn’t happen to be the guy who played the Forsaken named Spoon in Wyrmrest Accord, would you?

Oh wow … Yeah I just moved to Colorado as well not even a week ago.

Hey returning player here too :slight_smile:

Btag : Vesinaii#2740
Discord : Vesinaii#2712

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I’d like to join, but not sure if it’s still active…

Btag: WaywardPlane#1398
Discord: WaywardPlane#3536

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My schedule for play time is usually Tues/Wed all day into the evenings. I work overnight so I only play on my days off. I’m sometimes on before work between 7-10pm. I have been a solo player for 90% of my game time. I am in a guild and its nice, but at night there’s never anyone on. Feel free to add me. I’m also older so I find its difficult to relate sometimes. Topic hit straight home for me.

Btag : Snorkelsnarf#1527
Discord: Taffy#0330

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MechTech51, here! Thank you for the invite! I am looking forward to having some online fun again…

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This sounds like something I’d like to be a part of.

bnet: CaptainBones#11141

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Please add me! ^.^

BNet: Blue#11696

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This sounds like something I’d be interested in as well. I work nights so I mostly play on my days off. Been playing mostly solo since the end of Legion.

Baphomara #1580

I’m returning after a 3 year break, so this was a nice thing to read! I’ve been soloing a lot which is difficult because I’m legally blind (meaning my vision is so horrible that it is barely functional; I’m only partially sighted in my left eye) and not sure of what I’m doing, what I’ve missed while I left the game, and what I need to do other than paying attention to yellow and green “?” and “!” and doing my best to kill it / avoid it if it is red. LOL! Character profile seems to be wrong as far as I can tell. I main a Level 111 Blood Elf Unholy Death Knight on Greymane and have introduced my wife to WOW and am leveling up an alt to play with her Pandaren Mage. Catch me on my tag-- I sent a request!


I have Discord around here somewhere. I don’t mind talking, but I remember the old Teamspeak / Ventrilo days. I’m not entirely comfortable with how Discord works yet. I should probably ask my wife for a tutorial! LOL!

I’m coming back after being off for a year. My entire guild hasn’t been on in over 4 years. Looking for people to play with.


I’ve been looking for other players to play with as well so I wouldn’t mind joining. My battletag is Pyrista#11497.

I’ve played on again/off again over the years and would love to have some friends on here.

Bnet: Snipleator#1348
Discord: Nidava#8036

Hello Worgbane,

I’m also a returning player with no friend in WoW retail. If your recruiting is still active, I’d like to join you all. My info is below and would love to get an invite:

BTag: Eledriel#1541
Discord: Davvy#5598

Thanks, and have a great weekend!

I was just wondering if this was still a thing? I know it is dated back in 2017.


It seems like a good idea, but I was in the discord server and it’s crickets for weeks

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How do you get to the discord server? I didn’t see it listed in the comments, there again there were quite a lot of them and I may have missed it.