Shutting down again, You got to be kidding me

Before you demean, put down, and criticize maybe a person should walk in the same shoes instead of name calling.

The game kicked me off so hard last night there was bruising this morning, lmao.
Tried to log back in and got some error trying to launch the game.
Had to restart the launcher, then got back in. Of course Im dead. My pets are dead. lol

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Man that’s harsh

:beer: (takes sip)

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most of us didn’t take a day off, it was off all day, til 9pm my time. I went to work and was home 6hrs before it came up, just to be laggy af, only to decide to sleep it off and hooray another maintenance. It’s fine, if the game need it it needs it, but don’t expect us to have a 3 ring circus to celebrate the down time. We’re excited to try the new stuff, give us a break, most people aren’t even complaining outside the normal cats that post the exact same troll posts every single down time. And the only defense people have anyways is “oh you think this is somethin, well back in my day…” nobody cares,most of us were there too, but technology has come a long way since the days of all day maintenance when most people were on dial up internet.

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Alcohol or non alcohol…

Because it’s five o’clock somewhere

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They are not totally wrong. They have what, two days max during the PTR for a raid test?

Well, ya see, the thing is…

…its peach tea. I just use the mug for fun.

Meh, maintenance is maintenance.

That was seemingly fixed about an hour ago, was able to queue up back-to-back smoothly for the past hour.

And just think the next three Expansions they want to push out content faster…

I don’t think there’s gonna be enough salt in the world for these forums

Servers are up stop whining and play the game.

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I’m in.

I think it’s because TW dungeons are not counting in the Vault so people who complete the weekly TW quest are getting absolutely nothing except confirmation that they successfully completed 5 dungeons. And yes, I did check the Vault, just for schnits & giggles, on the off-chance that the reward was there. It was not, the Vault options looked no different than they have for the past… 6 years? Iunno, I’m an old fart & don’t do Mythics or much raiding anymore as I do not like to be a burden on the strangers who are kind enough to invite me.

Was it? My news feed must be broken then, I didn’t see anything on the launcher. =(

Is it actually a bug though? It seems as though there is a specific timer for when you enter the queue before you can queue again. I saw in another post that it’s 15 minutes and that seems right. I had differing amounts of time after 2 very fast dungeons (one under 10 minutes & the other just slightly more than 10, but less than 15).

This is because Beta is ALWAYS at least 2 patches behind, which to me is silly - why would you not test the most current build possible ESPECIALLY close to launch??? But, I don’t work in IT/Software Development so…

or it could be the fact that the Expansion Presale 70 Boost Renown is totally broken. Some people literally preordered for this reason

I’m not sure which game you are referring to. But with MMORPGs, it is common after a patch for there to be additional maintenance. Back in the late 90’s when UO and EQ were released, planned maintenance wasn’t a thing. Things just broke and the game would be offline for days at a time until it was fixed.

Lastly, discussing a product with constructive feedback should be welcomed. A post specifically meant to demean, put down, or complain is not helpful and it’s actually toxic to the community.

What things were inserted that weren’t in beta?

Oh, that could be too! I did see threads regarding that - I never use the things myself LOL. I discovered leveling by TW dungeons recently & ran with that :smiley:

As I stated in my post, usually what we are testing in Beta is a patch or two behind what they are working with, right up to launch. So it’s entirely possible for things to go live that were never tested, simply because they ran out of time.

wasnt. still broken and they are still dead silent on if or when they will fix it

Maybe they hoped a reboot would fix it… Has anyone checked the Vault to see if TW dungeons are there?